Vatican concern for Lebanon … and a message from Alba | Phalanges


In light of the worsening political, economic, social and financial crisis, the inability to form a government and the fear of the Lebanese for their future and the future of their children, which appears black and opens the doors to emigration, some They are still waiting for the initiative of the Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Mar Beshara Boutros al-Rahi and the support of the Vatican and the efforts of Pope Francis, hoping that he can achieve Break the walls of the crisis and give hope for a better future. What is the role of the Vatican in this area?

Lebanon’s ambassador to the Vatican, Farid Elias El-Khazen, confirmed to Al-Markaziyah that the Vatican’s interest in Lebanon continues and that there is great concern for the country’s security and recovery from known crises, and this concern does not it stops, especially in the social realm. , education, health and other fields. The Pope recently sent a message to the Lebanese through Patriarch Al-Rahi emphasized this concern, not even the deep concern about the Lebanese situation, noting that “the sending of the Pope’s message is important, as it reflects the special position that occupies Lebanon in the Holy See. ”

He noted: “The Pope will send, next Monday, the annual message that he delivers to the diplomatic corps, and I will be present at this meeting, focused on international affairs and affairs, outlining general lines and general guidelines for the Vatican’s foreign policy. Policy for the year 2021 and, of course, it will be a reference to the Lebanese question. ”

He noted “a general concern and a great concern for Lebanon and the situation of Christians in it and in the region, and the Vatican is ready for any assistance and in any field, but the corridor to reach Lebanon passes through the Lebanese in First of all, because there are issues that neither the Vatican nor anyone else can replace the Lebanese, especially in The issue of the financial and economic crisis, either for the Vatican or for other interested countries, especially France, and I have touched on through my contacts with diplomats and stakeholders, who have confirmed that the ball is in the court on the Lebanese side. But there is certainly the will and intention to help. The Vatican is working hard on it. The field, through diplomatic initiatives, most of which are not announced. For some time, French Chancellor Jean-Yves Le Drian visited the Vatican and, of course, the discussion touched on the Lebanese crisis, and there is constant contact with ith the authorities interested in the Lebanese issue, especially no one intends to impose themselves on the Lebanese. What they have to do. I am also in constant contact with them on all questions raised. ”

Khazen added: “It should be noted here that the agenda of the international community is not necessarily identical to that of the Lebanese, which means that of course there is interest in Lebanon, and there is no question that Lebanon is a priority for the Vatican., but the main affected countries, whether in Europe or America, also have their priorities. We hear words in Lebanon as if the world thinks only of Lebanon and what it will do for it, sadly the repercussions of what is happening in Lebanon in terms of the crises, the Lebanese and not the international community are paying the price. Therefore, the Lebanese must be proactive in initiative and decision-making, especially in matters of their internal nature and linked to financial and economic conditions AND the issue of waste and corruption, which is largely a Lebanese issue, “considering that” the Vatican does not interfere in the daily political affairs detailed in e l Lebanon or outside Lebanon, and has not stopped the social and educational aid to Lebanon, but there is an essential point, which is that the nature of the crisis in Lebanon, the economic, financial and other aspects are not related to the countries main. Rather, they are internal matters. There are limits to any intervention or initiative if the door is not open to the Lebanese side. ”

Regarding the Pope’s visit to Lebanon, he replied: “The problem in Lebanon is that there are exaggerations that are out of place. The planned visit of the Pope that is placed on his agenda in the region is to Iraq next March, but it may be reconsidered due to the security situation and the epidemic, but it remains in effect until now. And there is no official decision after its cancellation. As for Lebanon, there is no scheduled visit from the Pope’s external visiting calendar for this year, this does not mean that there has been no visit ”, noting that“ the epidemic of the Crown since last year has affected the actions and programs of the Pope His visits in Italy and abroad, because the Pope, during his visits, It is not going to meet people within four walls, but it does meet people, and this poses a danger not to talk about other matters, especially security. Lebanon received three papal visits in 1964 with Pope Paul VI and in 1997 with Pope John Paul II, and in 2012 with Pope Benedict. As for Pope Francis, he would like to visit Lebanon and expressed this matter, but at this time there is no visit scheduled. “

Source: Central News Agency
