Vaccine supplies through the “Kovacs” mechanism can start in February – Al-Manar TV website – Lebanon


The Director General of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, announced that the supply of vaccines against the Corona virus through the international mechanism “Kovacs” could begin next February.

He noted that “Kovacs” signed an agreement with the American company “Pfizer” and the German company “Biontech” for the supply of 40 million doses of its vaccine.

In the first quarter of 2021, it is expected to obtain 150 million doses of the vaccine from the British-Swedish company “AstraZeneca”, which was developed in cooperation with the University of Oxford in Great Britain.

The Director General of the Health Organization indicated that “Kovacs” is heading towards the supply of two billion doses of vaccines until the end of the year. Hello, the United States intends to join this mechanism, considering that this “brings us closer to implementing the” Kovacs “promises.

For his part, the president of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Prevention (GAVI), Seth Barclay, in response to a question about whether Russian and Chinese vaccines will be included in the “Kovacs” mechanism: “We will consider including any vaccine in “Kovacs” if we understand that it is useful, and if transparent information is provided. It is safe and effective, as well as if we reach a reasonable agreement regarding the price and volume of supplies “.

It should be noted that the international mechanism “Kovacs” for the supply of vaccines against the coronavirus includes 190 countries in the world. Two billion doses of Corona vaccines are planned to be produced and distributed worldwide by the end of this year.

Source: Russian agency TASS
