US Scientists Expect Corona’s End In This | Phalanges


US scientists have suggested that the Coruña epidemic will last at least two years, and will only be contained when a third of the world’s population is immunized against the infection.

American scientists have suggested that the Coruña epidemic (Covid 19) will last at least two years, and will only be contained when a third of the world’s population is immunized against the infection.

Researchers at the University of Minnesota Infectious Disease Research Center said controlling the virus is very difficult because it is transmitted by people who do not have symptoms of the disease.

The medical report added that people who carry the virus can reach the peak of transmission to others, before symptoms appear, according to Bloomberg.

Most countries in the world have imposed movement restrictions and closings to slow the spread of the disease, but governments have begun to allow the reopening, with caution, to reduce economic damage.

With this return to the opening of public places and production facilities, epidemiologists warn of a second outbreak and say the epidemic may continue beyond 2022.

The report said officials should be aware that the virus will not end soon, and people should also know that there may be a “seasonal outbreak” from time to time in the next two years.

Medical agencies are developing a vaccine against the Corona virus, but the serum may be available in limited quantities only during the first stage.

And several scientific institutions have begun clinical trials of vaccines against the infection, but they have to wait several months to make sure that the vaccine does not cause any side effects.
Scientists fear that the temporary decline in the virus will allow a normal return to life, as this would lead to a return of the infection trend to what it was before.

In the case of the swine flu epidemic, in 2009 and 2010, the vaccine became available only after infections peaked in the United States.

Source: Sky News
