US sanctions against 4 individuals and 6 entities linked to Iran


23 minutes ago

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Washington: On Tuesday, the US Treasury Department imposed new sanctions on 4 individuals and 6 entities for their association with the Iranian regime, including Chinese citizens and businesses.

The ministry said in a statement that it had imposed “sanctions on 4 people, namely Muhammad Bishami, Sultan Muhammadi Muhammad, Huang Chen and Sun Shi Mi,” according to the US website “Al Hurra.”

Both “Chen” and “Shi Mei” have a relationship with “DES INTERNATIONAL”, which is associated with the activities of the Sultan of Muhammadi, which has also been covered by the sanctions, according to the statement.

Washington also imposed sanctions on another company linked to Mohammadi, which has a British passport.

Among those entities, “NAZ TECHNOLOGY”, which is based in China, and “RTIN SANA’AT TABAAN”, which has offices in Singapore, Dubai, Tehran and Taiwan.

Sanctions were imposed on “HODA TRADING”, a sustainable electricity company based in Tehran, as well as on two companies, “PROMA INDUSTRY” and “SOLTECH INDUSTRY”, all based in China with ties to “Hoda Trading”.

And at the end of last September, the president of the United States, Donald Trump, signed a decree authorizing the imposition of “severe economic sanctions against any country, company or individual that contributes to providing, selling and transporting conventional weapons to Iran.”

