US authorizes AstraZeneca for lung cancer


At a time when the world is waiting for a Corona virus vaccine from British pharmaceutical company AstraZenka, approval is expected soon, the company was able to get approval for a promising drug.

The United States adopted the drug Tagrisso for patients with early-stage lung cancer, reducing tumor growth or the risk of death by 80 percent, according to Reuters.

The approval of the drug Tagriso for patients follows the third phase of trials that were conducted in the United States and other countries under the supervision of the United States Food and Drug Administration.

TAGRISSO, taken as an oral tablet once a day, is indicated for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), the most common disease, with up to 85 percent among people with lung cancer.

In addition, the drug has received approval in the European Union, Japan, China and other countries.

Experiments with the British company drug concluded that the drug TAGRISSO greatly slowed the spread of cancer cells in the lung, including the post-chemotherapy and surgical phase.

Five national health authorities collaborated with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on this review through Project ORBIS, an initiative of the FDA Center of Excellence for Oncology that provides a framework for the simultaneous introduction and review of cancer drugs. between international partners.

“This approval dispels the notion that treatment has ended after surgery and chemotherapy,” said AstraZenka Executive Vice President Dave Fredrickson, adding: “We remain committed to treating cancer patients early, while they still have cancer. chances of cure “.

The drug reached sales of $ 3.17 billion in the first nine months of this year, while analysts expect the possibility of additional sales of the drug ranging between $ 1 billion and $ 3 billion.
