US Ambassador to Israel: Joe Biden Winning Presidency Will Benefit Iran


ويتع: "We believe that we are now in a very good place in terms of the sanctions that we have imposed on Iran, if we continue on this path, we believe that Iran will finally have no choice but to put an end to this pernicious activity.".

The United States ambassador again said that "The new administration, especially if it is made up of people who are part of the Obama administration, I think it poses a real threat to the achievements that we have fought so hard for with our allies in the Gulf and our allies in Israel.".

وأردف: "I hate to think that the new administration will undermine that, but unfortunately if Biden wins, I think that can happen, and this is the reason for my keen interest in keeping this policy in place … and of course assuming that Biden supported it. what the Obama administration did, then you can see a very radical change. On Iran, I personally think it will be a shame and it will be bad for the region.".

As for more countries joining the peace treaty with Israel, Friedman said he doesn’t have it. "I doubt that there will be more countries .. When? I don’t know, I think that each country has its own calendar, its own problems, and it will have to run its course before or after the elections.".

و .ضاف "I think there are some countries that are waiting to see the election results to develop their strategies, so for those countries that may be on the fence, I see that if Trump wins, they will join the circle of peace.".

Regarding the acquisition of a type of aircraft by the UAE "F-35"Friedman highlighted it "There was a request from the UAE for years to acquire these aircraft … The question they ask me is, can it be reconciled between preserving Israel’s military advantage within the region and keeping the UAE in its military superiority? … The answer is that I am not a technology expert, but I think this is being evaluated. With great care on the part of the United States, I am sure that they are in talks with the Israeli and Emirati experts and I am sure that they will come to the right decision. I think the United States wants to get the right result for both countries.".


Friedman stated, in an interview with the site Al-Ain News, that Democrat Biden was part of the Barack Obama administration that concluded the nuclear deal with Iran, which Trump considers “the worst international deal ever concluded by the United States.”

He added that “the Obama agreement paved the way for Iran to acquire a nuclear weapon and did nothing to stop Tehran from its malicious activity supporting terrorists in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Yemen, and did nothing to restrict it in the ballistic missile construction “.

He continued: “We believe that we are now in a very good place in terms of the sanctions that we have imposed on Iran. If we continue down this path, we believe that Iran will have no choice in the end but to put an end to this pernicious activity.”

The US ambassador said again that “the new administration, especially if it is made up of people who are part of the Obama administration, I think it represents a real threat to those achievements for which we have fought so hard with our allies in the Gulf. and our allies in Israel. “

He added: “I hate to think that the new administration will undermine that, but unfortunately if Biden wins, I think this may happen, and this is the reason for my keen interest in keeping this policy in place … and of course if we assume that Biden he supported what the Obama administration did, so you can see. ” A very radical change in Iran, I personally think it will be a shame and it will be bad for the region. “

Regarding more countries joining the peace agreement with Israel, Friedman said that “I had no doubt that there will be more countries … When? I don’t know. I think each country has its own timetable, its own problems. , and it will have to run its course. ” Before or after the elections. “

“I think there are some countries that are waiting to see the election results to develop their strategies, so for those countries that may be on the fence, I see that if Trump wins, they will join the circle of peace,” he added.

Regarding the acquisition of the F-35s by the United Arab Emirates, Friedman emphasized that “there was a request from the United Arab Emirates for years to acquire these aircraft … The question they ask me is whether it is possible to reconcile between preserve Israel’s military advantage within the region. ” And keep up with the Emirates for military supremacy? … The answer is that I am not a technology expert but I think this is being evaluated very carefully by the United States, I am sure that they are in talks with the Israeli and Emirati experts and I am sure that they will come to the right decision . I think the United States wants to achieve the correct result for both countries. “
