Unknown ship supplies Syria with gasoline … and the sword “Caesar” terrorizes the Lebanese authorities


It seems that the battle of lost “ships” in Lebanese waters of unknown proportions is long and continuous. Regional water has become permissible, and a ship enters it without control or supervision, targeting the Zahrani interest of the Lebanese state, but without the knowledge of the state itself. No official or private party has imported it, according to Activos, the issue of importing oil to the facilities is not randomly assigned, but through a tender carried out by a specialized committee with an official mandate.

In a permissible and infiltrated state at all levels, the “official assignment” seems like fun. In light of the illegal crossings and the export of Lebanese livelihoods to Syria, and Hezbollah’s full control of the Beirut port, as well as the Lebanese airport and secret party tunnels and weapons storage Under residential buildings, the entrance has become A ship of unknown orientation and lineage “unassigned” is a simple matter in a country that stored ammonia in the center of the capital, Beirut, killing 190 people and still robbing the capacities of the Lebanese people to protect the murderous Syrian regime and extend its life in its war against its people, especially since there is no way out for the regime facing the sanctions imposed by the United States. Tall Syrian figures close to him. Will Lebanon, after this incident, face sanctions that destroy the rest of the party state, especially after it was reported that the ship was headed for Syria?

And based on the indications of the Southern Appeals Prosecutor, Judge Raheef Ramadan, both the marine agent of the ‘jaguars’ and their captain were detained pending investigation, to learn from them the conditions of arrival of the ship suspected of be prepared to violate the sanctions imposed on the Syrian regime.

In this context, the Al-Arabiya website published a detailed article on the event that may constitute a crisis for Lebanon in case the ship is shown to be heading to Syria, which may expose Lebanon to US sanctions in a situation in which the Lebanese street cannot tolerate any further crises in light of the collapse of the economic situation and the crazy rise of the dollar. ..

Owned by a Syrian company

In the context, official Lebanese sources revealed to Al-Arabiya.net that it was the second time that the ship had arrived in Lebanon in less than six months. The first time was last June, when she arrived from Greece and when she entered Lebanese territorial waters, she turned off her GPS device so that her movement was not monitored via satellites, and then she went directly to the port of Banias in Syria, where.

The sources confirmed the information circulating that “the cargo on board the jaguar S” belongs to the Syrian company “Al-Naim”, whose headquarters are in Harasta in Damascus, and the name of the company appears on the ship’s manifest .

A Lebanese company denies knowledge of the ship

The sources indicated that “the ship’s maritime agent stated that it arrived in Lebanon for the benefit of the fuel company” HIF “, which has fuel tanks near the Zahrani facilities, but the company denied having knowledge of the ship and that it had a shipment of gasoline.

The “HIF” Fuel Company has rented tanks to store fuel near the Zahrani facilities. Uniterminals has hired HIF.

From the port of Banias (archive)

And the press information indicated that “the customs administration and when verifying the manifest, bill of lading, science and the news delivered by the shipping agent showed that there is no importing company of the merchandise on board, and that the importing companies of oil have also repudiated them.

From Azerbaijan to Syria
In addition, Lebanese official sources revealed that “the ship came from Azerbaijan and operated on a line between Turkey and Albania, and it seemed that it wanted to unload its cargo at the Zahrani facilities (located in an area under the influence of the Shiite duo, Hezbollah and Amal Movement) in preparation for transporting it in sections through tankers. To Syria and through illegal crossings.

Return the ship to avoid the sword “Caesar”.
According to official sources, after completing the investigations, the Lebanese Judicial Power is on the way to issuing a decision to seize the ship and its cargo at sea in preparation for returning it to Greece, where it left with security support, in a measure aimed at removing the Lebanon from the guillotine of sanctions of the Caesar Law that prohibits dealing with the Syrian regime.

Photographs of César (Archives – France Press)

A member of the “Foreign Affairs Committee”, the US Senator for the state of New Hampshire, Jane Shaheen, presented a text to the US Senate demanding that the US administration grant Lebanon exemption from the repercussions of the “Caesar Act” and their penalties. The request was signed with Shaheen by Senators Christopher Murphy and Tim Kane.

The news of the arrest of the vessel “Jaguar S” comes at a time when the hydrocarbon sector in Lebanon is experiencing difficult conditions, as shortages prevail, not because of supply shortages, but because of smuggling operations to Syria with the hope for huge profits as traders benefit from Banque du Liban support to import fuel at the official exchange rate. Lira against the dollar (1515), then smuggled into Syria to sell at double the price.
