UN arrangements for Gaza patients: in a bid to prevent an explosion


Gaza | The Palestinian Authority’s announcement to “stop security coordination” with the Israeli enemy, on its way, exacerbated the catastrophic situation in the Gaza Strip, which is besieged by Israelis and Egyptians, and a Palestinian is also being punished for the own authority. Perhaps one of those most affected by the status quo is the stranded sick, because the United Nations intervened through the “World Health Organization” about two weeks ago, within a temporary mechanism during which patients and their companions could leaving the Gaza Strip for treatment abroad (hospitals in the West Bank and Jerusalem or occupied Palestine in 1948). ). Thousands of Gazans have been prohibited from traveling for treatment five months ago, after the authorities stopped coordinating – specifically, in their civilian part – with the enemy, which negatively affected the health conditions of those who do not count. with a complete and adequate treatment alternative. According to the Palestinian health spokesman, Ashraf Al Qidra, since last May they have suffered about 8,000 cancer patients. While a new department was opened in the “Al-Hayat Specialized” hospital for the treatment of cancer patients six months ago, its officials said it would prevent Gazans from turning to the occupation to treat them. However, critical cases do not have the possibility of treatment in it, forcing them to seek it in hospitals. stronger.

This is the first time that the United Nations has participated in coordinating the treatment of patients in Gaza, in a step that is coming “to prevent the situation from exploding,” according to the United Nations special coordinator for the “peace process” in Middle East Nikolai Mladenov, who is currently visiting the Strip to discuss the prisoners’ file. Of the Israeli soldiers in the resistance. According to Mladenov, it was decided to come up with a temporary arrangement to treat Gaza’s patients abroad, due to acute shortages of medical personnel and equipment, noting that the patient usually gets an entry permit (permit) from the enemy, which allows it to reach the occupied interior, the West Bank or Jerusalem, with the participation of the Authority’s Civil Affairs Authority at the “Beit Hanoun – Erez” checkpoint, currently suspended. Regarding the new mechanism, Haytham Al-Hadri, director of the Foreign Treatment Department of the Ministry of Health, said that the “World Health Organization” took the initiative to coordinate official transfers with Israel after the authority stopped to do so, adding: “We are used to not only turning down cases, but also interrupting the Israeli side of their journey, whether there is official Palestinian coordination or not.
Al-Hadri adds that in all cases “there are no alternative power regimes. In the Ministry of Health we affirm our commitment to the decisions of President (Mahmoud) Abbas regarding the cessation of coordination “, adding:” What happened (with the international organization) is a temporary cooperation to solve the Israeli disability crisis for these patients. “He continues:” This is not an avoidance of the paralysis of coordination, since the citizen has the right to go to the Red Cross or the World Health Organization to solve their problem, which are international organizations in the that we participate. Originally, a citizen has the right to move from the southern to the northern governorates as a legitimate right. ” In the details, the “treatment abroad” prepares the full medical referrals, and sends them to the email of “World Health” (on behalf of the United Nations), then after issuing the referral to the Jerusalem hospitals, the interior or the West Bank, the latter coordinates the patient’s departure from Gaza. Hospitals with disabilities send the referral that includes a specific appointment to the World Health Organization, which in turn goes to the Israeli side and asks about the cause of the disability, and then intervenes to solve the problem, ”explains Al -Hadri.
Regarding Ramallah’s opinion, the director of the medical committees on “treatment abroad”, Awad Al-Halloul, says that “the authority does not interfere in this matter, either by endorsement or rejection, for the simple reason that that he is not the one who asked Global Health to delegate the coordination. The citizen is the one who communicates with human rights organizations to trafficking. “As for communicating with the organization to order the cases, he responds:” The Department of Purchase of Services of the Ministry of Health issues a hundred referrals daily, which are limited to cases of cancer patients, and to save lives who have no treatment or diagnosis within Gaza. “Al-Halloul added:” Palestinian health finally pursues a policy of locating the service (treatment) within government hospitals after hiring. Therefore, only difficult cases, such as a bone marrow transplant, are transferred to Israeli hospitals. “
While some sources say that the United Nations agreement for patients was one of the demands of the Hamas movement that was included in the recent truce agreement with Israel through Arab, Egyptian and UN mediation, the World Office of Health confirms, in response to Al-Akhbar’s questions, that “the matter is purely humanitarian, not At the request of someone. The World Health Organization aims to make it easier for patients to access the right treatment at the right time. “As for” health “in Gaza, he declined to comment on the matter, while the government information director of the The previous government of Gaza, Salama Maarouf, is satisfied with saying that “we have no comments, since the issue is from the United Nations.” We were already in the security coordination stage, we had no relationship, so how much now? We only have procedures internal “.

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