UK Is First Country In The World To Adopt Pfizer / Bionic Vaccine Against Covid-19 – Al-Manar Channel Website – Lebanon


The UK has become the first country in the world to license the American vaccine company Pfizer and the German laboratory Biontech against Covid-19, to be available as “from next week”, according to a spokesperson.
On behalf of the British government on Wednesday.

“The government today (Wednesday) approved the recommendation of the Independent Agency for the Regulation of Medicines and Health Products. In authorizing the use of the Pfizer / Bionic vaccine against Covid, it noted that” the vaccine will be available throughout the United Kingdom from in the next week”.

Health Minister Matt Hancock welcomed this step, saying: “The UK is the first country in the world to have a clinically approved vaccine.”

A spokesperson for the Health Ministry said the green light was given “after months of careful clinical trials and in-depth data analysis by experts from the Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Agency. Those who concluded that the vaccine met their strict standards for safety, quality, and efficacy.

For his part, Albert Burla, head of Pfizer Laboratories, welcomed in a statement the permission to use the vaccine in the United Kingdom, calling it “a historic moment”.

And the results of large trials of this vaccine showed an effectiveness of 95%.

Hancock said: “The health care system is ready to start vaccination early next week.”

Priority will be given to vaccinating inmates of nursing homes, health workers, the elderly and the most vulnerable.

For its part, the European Medicines Agency announced this Monday that it will hold an extraordinary meeting on December 29 “at the latest” to decide on the license for the Pfizer / Bionic vaccine.

Source: French press agency
