UAE stops issuing visas to citizens of 13 Arab and Islamic countries for “security reasons”


Days after it allowed Israelis to enter the country without a prior visa, the UAE stopped issuing visas to citizens of 13 Arab and Islamic countries.

  • Reuters: UAE has stopped issuing entry visas to citizens of 13 countries for “security reasons”

The United Arab Emirates has stopped issuing visas to citizens of 13 countries: Lebanon, Syria, Algeria, Tunisia, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Iran, Somalia, Turkey, Afghanistan, Kenya and Pakistan, according to a document issued by a government business group. .

And according to the agency “Reuters”, the United Arab Emirates has stopped issuing entry visas to citizens of these countries “for security reasons.”

The document, which was distributed to companies operating in the complex and seen by Reuters, referenced a publication of the Immigration Department, which took effect on November 18.

It is noteworthy that the United Arab Emirates signed an agreement to normalize relations with “Israel” on September 15.

The UAE announced a set of agreements in the fields of security, transportation, trade and energy. It allowed Israelis to enter the United Arab Emirates without obtaining a prior visa.

Israeli media revealed on Tuesday that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will visit the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain in public next week, to activate bilateral cooperation following the normalization agreement.

This comes after the revelation of Netanyahu’s secret visit to Saudi Arabia last Sunday, on a flight that took off from Ben Gurion Airport on Sunday, during which he met with the Saudi Crown Prince and the US Secretary of State. , Mike Pompeo.

Bahrain recently joined the ranks of Arab normalization with the occupation a few days ago, justifying that by saying that “normalization will strengthen the Kingdom’s strategic partnership with the United States”, after the announcement of Emirati-Israeli normalization on August 13. .

In context, the “Israel Hayom” newspaper said that Riyadh views “Israel” as the most important ally against Iran, citing Saudi officials who confirmed that the main issue discussed by Netanyahu and bin Salman was the establishment of a united front. against Iran and against the president-elect of the United States, Joe Biden, because he will attend. A plan for a new deal with the Iranians, as they say.
