UAE confirms to freeze the granting of visas to citizens of 13 countries, including 8 Arabs


The world – UAE

And as reported by the Emirates News Agency, the Foreign Minister of the United Arab Emirates, Abdullah bin Zayed, said: “The restrictions imposed on some visas are“ temporary ”due to the outbreak of the Covid pandemic. -19.“.

This came during Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi’s visit to the United Arab Emirates, where bin Zayed said: “Your country welcomes the Pakistani community as more than one and a half million people of the Pakistani community enjoy safety, security and stability in their second country, the United Arab Emirates. “

Bin Zayed emphasized: “The restrictions imposed on some visas are temporary due to the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic.“.

And at the end of last November, the Reuters news agency reported a document issued by the business complex, owned by the United Arab Emirates, confirming that citizens of 13 countries were prevented from entering their lands and suspended. the granting of visas to them..

According to the document, applications for work or visit visas are suspended for those who are outside the country and are citizens of 13 countries, including: Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Tunisia, Algeria, Libya and Yemen, in addition to Somalia, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Kenya and Pakistan..

And it had included the name of the state of Algeria before, among those countries, but the Algerian Ministry of Foreign Affairs quickly denied this information and issued a statement saying:

Some foreign media and social media sites have promoted news stating that Algeria’s name has been included in a document issued by an official UAE authority that prohibits Algerians from obtaining entry visas to the UAE, as well as to citizens of other countries.

According to Algerian newspapers, “the UAE’s justification for freezing the granting of visas to Algerians, due to the Corona virus, is” unconvincing “, given that contagion rates in Algeria are very weak, in comparison with the Emirates, which registered 1,077 cases on Monday, bringing the total number of infections to more than 194 thousand injuries, while the total number of injuries in Algeria reached only 95,000, with a large difference between the population.

Observers believe that this procedure is not related to the Corona virus, but is related to instructions issued by the Israeli entity that the UAE was recently printed with.
