U.S. Vice President Receives Second Dose of Corona Vaccine


US President Joe Biden announced at a press conference Tuesday his administration’s plan to order 100 million doses of “Moderna” and “Pfizer” separately.

Thus, the new procurement process included providing an additional 200 million doses and an increase in the US percentage of the two vaccines by about 50 percent, to reach 600 million doses in total, according to an administration official. American, according to Bloomberg.

The official added that the rate of delivery of 10 million doses to the states will increase by 16 percent, and that this increase will occur within three weeks.

The Biden administration stated its plan to accelerate the distribution of shipments in the United States to 10 million doses per week.

The US president indicated that his administration revealed that “the vaccination program is worse than we had imagined”, adding that it would ensure that millions receive the vaccine “earlier than expected.”

Biden reinstated his commitment to providing 100 million doses of the emerging virus vaccine during the first 100 days of his presidency.
The US president also confirmed that his administration will be interested in establishing vaccination sites in social centers and coordinating with thousands of pharmacies to deliver vaccines to everyone.

Biden stressed the imposition of new restrictions on those who come to the United States, “in anticipation of new strains of the virus.”

Biden ended his speech by saying that his team’s strategy depends on science, and asked everyone to commit to wearing masks and patience until the virus is eliminated.
