Two new Corona cases … and these are the details!


The Disaster Management Unit of the Union of Municipalities of Tire, according to the report of the Head of the Doctor of Medicine in Shooting Dr. Wissam Ghazal, announced in a statement that “two cases with covid-19 have been registered after confirming the result of the PCR, which are two locations that are positive and are in the isolation of the house. ” The result of the suspicious case registered yesterday, which is negative. “

He noted that “two suspicious cases of special laboratory examinations were registered today, while they are in house quarantine until the results are issued,” and said: “The number of injured people in the judiciary increased to 29 wounded, distributed from as follows: 23 cases from Africa, 3 cases from Europe, 3 local cases and 5 patients in full recovery.

He noted that “in cooperation with the Judicial Department and the Lebanese Red Cross, it conducts inspection visits to detainees and wounded to see the extent of their commitment to quarantine or isolation, to monitor their social and health conditions, and to process any violation of established legal procedures. “

She stated that she is “the only authority authorized to issue data on the reality and health data related to the Coronavirus, the number of patients, recoveries and suspected cases, according to a report by the Medical Director”, and wished that “all persons don’t be drawn to any news that doesn’t come from this unit. ”

He called on “all residents of Tire to continue to strictly respect non-mixing and to apply all instructions issued by the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the guidelines of the Ministry of Public Health to avoid possible injury or damage, due to the continuous increase in the number of wounded according to reports from the Ministry of Public Health. “

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