Two key knots prevent the acceleration of the birth of the government | Phalanges


Informed sources told the “Major General” that Major General Abbas Ibrahim touched those he met in Paris to ensure the continuation of the agreed French initiative in terms of forming a government as soon as possible.

The Major General indicated that, according to available information, Paris is committed to the deadline agreed with Lebanese officials and leaders that President Emmanuel Macron met, and told some Arab leaders that he was optimistic that his initiative would reach the path outlined.

Consequently, the information says that Major General Ibrahim did not bring with him, upon his return, the French approval of a proposal not to effect a change in the distribution of a series of basic and sovereign portfolios such as money, foreign relations, interior, energy, health and communications.

French diplomatic sources from the Elysee reaffirmed that Paris is committed to the perception agreed before Macron’s departure, and that the cost of not complying with this agreement will be prohibitive for Lebanon and the Lebanese, in light of the economic asphyxia.

Informed sources said that “Major General Ibrahim” touched those he met, in order to ensure the continuation of the French initiative as agreed in terms of forming a government as soon as possible. And the Major General learned that no French delegates will visit Beirut at this time, but the French monitoring continues.

On the government front, nothing new was ever recorded in the government’s file, nor is the rotation or number of specialists or politicians in government decided, but the trend is a mini-government awaiting an agreement on the nature of the government. representation right now. There is no scheduled visit from the Prime Minister-designate to the Baabda Palace, who is conducting consultations away from the spotlight. . And to understand that government tasks are only defined as they were formed, without names and distribution of portfolios, it is necessary to wait a while.

In the context, political sources linked between Ibrahim’s mission in Paris and the US sanctions against the two ministers, Ali Hassan Khalil and Youssef Fenianos, that President Aoun, after the hardening of President Berri’s accession to the Ministry of Finance, sent to the general director of Public Security to the French capital, to know the French position on the events. And he transmitted it to Aoun, Berri and Hezbollah, and according to the same sources, in case he does not fulfill the promise of forming an effective reform government, the political class will face a real impasse, and there is the threat of returning to the street.

In a local context, the monitoring sources identified the process of formation of the new government two basic nodes that hinder the acceleration of its birth, the first: the demand of President Aoun for his ministerial participation and the appointment of his ministers, and the insistence of the second of the Shiite duo to keep the Ministry of Finance out of its ministerial involvement, and this is essentially inconsistent with the French initiative and what it has promised with respect to all. The parties are facing French President Macron, and it contradicts what these parties stated after parliamentary consultations with President-designate Mustafa Adib, that they did not raise specific conditions or demands on the formation of the future government.

These sources acknowledged the slowdown in the government formation process due to the US sanctions against former ministers Ali Hassan Khalil and Youssef Fenianos, but noted a clear desire on the part of President Berri to separate these sanctions from the path of government formation. , because there is no substitute for completing efforts and contacts at all levels to accelerate the training process. To avoid risks and negative repercussions, the consequences and damages of which cannot be predicted at all levels, especially in relations with France and the whole world.

Sources revealed that the president-designate intended to visit President Aoun in Baabda on Thursday to take an advanced step in government formation, but that the positions remained unchanged, prompting the postponement of this meeting until the end of December. this week to allow further consultations to overcome these two pending nodes, highlighting that the time for the formation of the next government is running out and the margin for the rigor of the conditions and demands has become limited and the pressures on the president appointed to take a final position on what happens in the end.

Although Baabda sources denied that the Director General of Public Security, Major General Abbas Ibrahim, had visited Paris as President Aoun’s delegate, he informed him of the content of his meetings with French officials and his insistence on speeding up the formation of the new government. through an understanding between all parties under the roof of the French initiative to help resolve the crisis. The multifaceted Lebanon you are currently facing.

On the other hand, the “Major General” learned that the head of the Parliament’s Finance Committee, Deputy Ibrahim Kanaan, who recently met with the President of the Republic, wanted to show the importance of the French initiative and the need to ensure the conditions for its success because it constitutes a favorable and important opportunity to save Lebanon and allow the preparation to accompany these steps, especially those related to the laws required in Parliament with unified numbers and a follow-up vision for the next negotiations with the World Bank.
