Two incidents between Israel and the United Arab Emirates raise doubts about movement between them


Two incidents between Israel and the United Arab Emirates raise doubts about movement between them


fly dubai

Two embarrassing incidents recently occurred between Israel and Dubai at Ben Gurion Airport, when 10 Israelis were prevented from boarding a plane bound for Dubai, and Israel returned two Emirati nationals, refusing to allow them entry.

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The first incident took place after a “flydubai” plane, carrying a couple from the Emirates, landed, as they were not allowed to enter Israel, despite an invitation from an Israeli company.

According to sources at Ben Gurion Airport, the two were subjected to an embarrassing situation and protested the treatment they had received. Consequently, they took their first flight and returned to Dubai. Israeli authorities said the two people had been denied entry due to a lack of relevant documents.

The other incident is the prevention of 10 Israelis from boarding a plane bound for Dubai. Among them are renowned entrepreneurs, the most prominent of whom is the owner of the “Café Café” network, Ronin Namni.

“We were supposed to visit Dubai on a business trip, and there are people waiting for us there. We couldn’t get on the plane because there was something wrong with the visa,” Namni said.

And he added: “The strangest thing is that my wife traveled there twice in the last month, she is a partner in our projects and has had no problems.”

Israeli airlines estimate that some 50,000 Israelis will visit Dubai next month. Five airlines: 3 Israeli and two from the Emirates, will operate more than 300 flights to the destination.

Israeli sources said returnees from Dubai are not required, at this stage, to be quarantined upon their return from there to Israel.

Source: “I24 NEWS”
