Two Former Lebanese Ministers Under US Sanctions … Who Are They?


The US Treasury Department imposed economic sanctions on two former Lebanese ministers close to “Hezbollah” as part of the “anti-terrorism” law.

According to a statement from the Treasury Department on Tuesday, September 8, the two ministers are the former Minister of Public Works, Youssef Fenianos, and the former Minister of Finance, Ali Hassan Khalil.

Fenianos, born in 1964 and graduated in law from the Lebanese University, worked as an advisor to former deputy Suleiman Franjieh and rose to various positions in the “Marda Movement”, which led him to assume the portfolio of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport in the new government.

According to the ministry statement, “Hezbollah offered Fenians hundreds of thousands of dollars in exchange for political services and provided sensitive official documents for the murder court of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.”

As for Hassan Khalil, he served as Minister of Health from 2011 to 2014, before becoming Minister of Finance from 2014 to last year.

According to the Treasury Department, Hassan Khalil was one of the officials that Hezbollah exploited for financial gain.

The ministry explained that “in 2017, shortly before the parliamentary elections, Hezbollah leaders were eager to reach an agreement with Khalil, who received the support of the party to account for his political success.”

He added that Hassan Khalil worked to transfer funds in a way that avoids US sanctions to the account of institutions affiliated with the party.

It is not the first time that Washington has imposed sanctions on Hezbollah, which it has blacklisted on terrorism, since 1997.

The United States and Israel, along with Britain, Germany, the Arab League, and the Gulf states, also consider Hezbollah a terrorist organization.

The US sanctions come in light of tightening the screws on “Hezbollah” and Iran, which is its main supporter, by imposing economic sanctions and constant threats against them.

On the other hand, the general secretary of the party, Hassan Nasrallah, in his speeches underestimated the importance of the US maneuvers against the party, affirming, at the end of last month, that the United States tried “a lot” to open a line with his party what he rejected.
