Two demonstrations in Rome rejecting mandatory protective masks – Al-Manar TV website – Lebanon


Opponents of the muzzle staged two simultaneous demonstrations in Rome on Saturday, one involving hundreds of neo-fascists, while the other involving thousands of different backgrounds. The recent rally included conspiracy theorists and vaccine opponents in Piazza San Giovanni in central Rome.

“We still do not have a treatment protocol for the disease, we are improvising, each regional authority improves,” said demonstrator Fabrizio Crici, and each of the 20 regions of Italy has independent decision-making powers in the field of health. For his part, the protester Giulio Lisse considered that “the virus is present from a natural point of view, but politically and philosophically (the authorities) are exaggerating.” The Italian government approved the mandatory use of the muzzle in all closed and open public places, and extended the state of emergency due to the Covid-19 epidemic until January 31.

Italy has recorded more than 36,000 deaths and about 350,000 cases of the virus, and the country is recently experiencing an increase in the number of infections, as it detected 5,724 new cases and 29 deaths on Friday.

“I am not denying (the existence of the virus), I am here because I do not want the dictatorship,” he wrote on a banner raised at the rally, and other banners read “Stop fifth generation communication technology” and “We trust Trump. , and the American president knows his skepticism about the feasibility of wearing a muzzle.

The second rally was organized by the small far-right group Forza Nova, and hundreds of people participated in a narrow square in the center of Rome. “The mask is a symbol of submission,” one participant told reporters. “They (the authorities) have killed 35,000 people.” In early September, Rome witnessed a similar demonstration in which about a thousand people refused to wear muzzles and compulsory vaccinations for school children.

Source: French press agency
