Twitter will not remain free | Phalanges


Twitter revealed its new feature, “Super Follows,” which allows some of the platform’s users of public figures and celebrities around the world to impose fees on followers.

Twitter revealed its new feature, “Super Follows,” which allows some of the platform’s users of public figures and celebrities around the world to impose fees on followers.

And the company announced, “Twitter” in an official statement, that the function called “Super Follows” or “Super Followers”, allows Twitter users to collect money in exchange for an additional and exclusive dose of the content provided.

A company spokesperson explained that exploring Twitter funding opportunities, such as the “Super Follows” feature, provides creators and publishers with direct support from their audience and motivates them to continue creating content that their audience loves.

Additional content can include Tweets, additional videos, reaching out to a community group, or signing up for a newsletter.

In a screenshot of the mockup, Twitter showed an example of Super Follows, where a user charges $ 4.99 a month for a number of benefits.

Information systems expert engineer Mustafa Abu Jamra told Sky News Arabia that Twitter’s exploration of new opportunities to fund and maximize profits is part of the “inter-platform war” and “keeping up with the rapid changes. technology “to attract more users.

Regarding the digital media expert, Ahmed Esmat, believes that “our evaluation of the new decisions or characteristics issued by social networks requires a correct and precise understanding of the nature of the work of these institutions, since they are not charities but companies who seek profit first and foremost considerations, and then seek new sources of financing and the accumulation of benefits “.

Direct payment tools have become increasingly important to content creators, especially in recent years.

The ability for users to charge followers for accessing additional content is the most fundamental change that has occurred on Twitter in recent years, but it also dovetails with popular and successful models on other social platforms.

Platforms like Patreon, Facebook, YouTube, and GitHub have had great success with direct payment features for content creators.

The launch of the step, which is currently being tested, came as part of Twitter’s efforts to seek new sources of funding, as part of its plan to increase its revenue to $ 7.5 billion by 2023.

The Tweets network visited by an average of 192 million users daily seeks to convince the market of its ability to attract more users and diversify its income.

The share of “Twitter” is only 0.9 percent of the global digital advertising market, while the share of “Google” is 30 percent and “Facebook” 24 percent, according to eMarketer.

The plan represents a major change in a service that has always been free, leading some users to criticize the move as a “flaw” rather than an “advantage.”

The answer to the question of to what extent Twitter users are affected by such a step, which will be implemented in the coming months, requires a careful analysis of the number of users, from which country they descend, to which category they belong. , and in what economic level they live, according to the statement of the digital media expert, Ahmed Esmat, to Sky Arab News, “citing an example in the Arab region, which he considers” electronically heterogeneous societies … is in Egypt, as for example, Facebook is the most widespread, while in the Gulf, Twitter and Tik Tok are the most prominent. “

The information systems expert, Mustafa Abu Jamra, believes that it is “difficult to anticipate the reaction of users to this new function”, citing an example from the reality of Twitter itself: “With the beginning of the appearance of Twitter, we did not know that the user will have this urgent need for microblogging. “

But he believes that “the Arab countries are unable to subscribe to social networks in any case, since their users are used to the free service.”

Meanwhile, the digital media expert does not expect “Super Follows” to cause a major change in the number of Twitter users in the world.

This opinion is endorsed by an information systems expert, who explains: “Twitter has passed the stage of any risk of user reluctance for any reason, but that users are addicted to interacting with it and engaging with trends.”

“Super Follows” is expected to go into effect later this year, and subscribers will pay a monthly subscription for this content of up to $ 5.

Additional details on this new product are expected to be announced in the coming months.

An expert in information systems believes that “Super Follows”: “will create an organization and pollination of the content that the user receives, given that he himself chooses.”

The digital media expert believes that the implementation of the “Super Follows” function can have a great impact on the media and press organizations, and explains: “For the user, you will only pay money for good press material, which creates a choice between chaff and straw, and forcing institutions to a different type of journalism. “And the media, rely on interpretation and deeper presentation, which improves the service of the press and media and is of the interest of the user, the reader “.

At the same time, it is believed that “it may limit the dissemination of information and affect freedom of expression because it does not provide the same opportunities for everyone to obtain information.”
