Twitter shares are down 4% due to the decision of the Russian authorities.



Reuters Dado Ruvic

Shares of Twitter fell on the New York Stock Exchange by approximately 4% due to the decision of the Russian authorities to impose restrictions on the operation of the site in Russia due to its failure to comply with the laws of the country.

On Wednesday, stock market trading data indicated that Twitter shares fell 3.98% at the close, and the value per share decreased from $ 67.56 on Tuesday night to $ 64.83 on Wednesday for the night.

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Russian authorities report

The Russian Federal Supervisory Authority in the Field of Communications, Communications and Information Technology, “Rosscom Nadzor”, had announced a slowdown in the work of the site “Twitter” in Russia and warned of the possibility of blocking it completely, if you did not comply with the demands of the Russian authorities to remove the content in violation of the law.

It should be noted that, as of February 1, the law that requires social networking sites to disclose and block content that violates Russian laws came into force in Russia. Among those prohibited articles are calls for terrorism and materials that promote extremism, violence and dangerous social phenomena such as suicide and hatred for ethnic, national or religious reasons, among others.

Source: “TASS”
