Turnover drops and the quota system returns! – MTV Lebanon


Turnover drops and the quota system returns!

It says in “Al-Markazia”:
After the wheels of government moved again after the meeting that brought together the President of the Republic, General Michel Aoun, and President-designate Saad Hariri on Monday at the Baabda Palace, it seemed that positivity reigned on the banks of the formation. , as the chances of the vision of the next government increased in the next few days, again.

According to the political sources that monitor the “central”, what should be considered is the criterion by which “positivity” is measured. Its concept is completely different between politicians, on the one hand, and between people and the international community, on the other. For the first team, the formation itself has become an achievement, but in the second trench what is required is to form a government, but not any government!

What is filtered so far in terms of data and environment, behind the scenes of authorship, does not lead to optimism, but to the contrary. According to sources, all the rules that Prime Minister Hariri had laid down to build the structure of his government on the basis of them have been cracked and collapsed. According to the information, the principle of rotation appears to be contested. The Ministry of Finance, by what it means in this economically and financially delicate phase of Lebanon’s history, remains with the Amal movement. On the other hand, the presidential team, made up of Baabda and the Free Patriotic Movement, seems to be close to imposing its conditions on Hariri, since it is likely that it will manage to maintain the Ministry of Energy, as it represents today, since the electricity sector is the main cause of the deficit in the Lebanese treasury, by keeping it away from his part and within his political house. And if in camouflaged form:

So the way out of the Energy Ministry’s dilemma could be to assign it to the Tashnag, which never came out, except formally, from under the mantle of the powerful Lebanese bloc, or the solution could be for Prime Minister Hariri to agree with the head of the Movement. National, MP Gebran Bassil, a non-provocative specialist figure who takes over the portfolio, in a solution He will keep the ministry and the current plan in one way or another, under “my eyes” and the supervision of the Orange Team and its president .

Even the internal and external rotation, between the future and the free patriot, is not resolved. The sources follow, which means that the change will only include health and education if Hizbullah is lenient in abandoning the former in favor of “works”, provided the latter goes to socialism in principle, while Justice and Defense They will also be part of the Baabda Palace, again.

This “arrangement” will facilitate the birth of the government if an emergency does not arise, such as President Aoun’s insistence on a government of 20 instead of 18, for example, which revives the Druze complex … But the characteristic of such a government will be the clear quotas that it is impossible to hide behind the masks of the specialists, and it will be their direction. The old is on its feet, and traditional approaches to electricity and reforms are what they are … And if we say that hungry, financially exhausted and healthy people cannot tear them down, how will the Arab and Western world view them? , who has hit and hit the performance of the ruling political class? The fear is great and real that such a combination will strengthen the external conviction of the right of his decision to return to Lebanon and shake hands, and this is what Saudi Arabia did again yesterday, when its ambassador left Beirut in a step loaded with meaning. and messages …
