Turkey posts record jump in coronavirus deaths


Over the past few days, Turkey has witnessed a record rise in the numbers of the new Corona virus, despite attempts by the Erdogan government to cover up the actual numbers.

Deaths by krone in Turkey hit a record for the ninth day in a row on Tuesday, as the number approached the 200 mark over the past 24 hours.

Data from the Turkish Ministry of Health showed that daily deaths due to Corona hit a record for the ninth day in a row, with 190 deaths over the past 24 hours, as the Turks braced for new isolation measures to limit the spread of the epidemic. .

The number of new infections, including those with no symptoms, also hit a record high over the past twenty-four hours, reaching 30,110, according to Reuters.

The death toll from the disease rose to 13,936, but historical data on the total number of cases is not available, as Turkey only recorded cases with symptoms during a four-month period. And he began to register all the cases since last Wednesday.

Earlier Monday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced new measures to combat the rise in infection and death cases, including imposing a curfew on weekdays and a full shutdown on the weekend.

The ban went into effect Tuesday, with the exception of grocery stores and food delivery stores during certain hours.

And in the spring, Turkey imposed temporary closures on weekends and holidays to combat the Corona outbreak, but current infection and death rates have risen more than spring rates. The curfew on weekend nights for the past two weeks has failed to significantly restrict the movement of people.
