Trump: We will not give up, we will not accept that our victory is stolen and we will not acknowledge Biden’s victory


Trump: We will not give up, we will not accept that our victory is stolen and we will not acknowledge Biden’s victory

The president of the United States attacks the media and technology companies, describing his party members as weak

Thursday – 24 Jumada I 1442 AH – January 7, 2021 AD Edition No. [

Trump speaking yesterday (AB)

Washington: Heba Al-Qudsi

US President Donald Trump announced that he will not accept the result of the presidential election, which he insisted was stolen, and stressed that he would not acknowledge the victory of his rival Joe Biden and would not surrender, reiterating his claims that he was the one. winner in the elections, and demanded his deputy, Mike Pence, who chairs the session of Congress to approve the vote of the Commission. By winning Biden, protecting the constitution and asking the states to reconsider ratifying the election result. Addressing tens of thousands of his supporters outside the White House, Trump said: “We have to fight fiercely and Mike Pence must do his duty. Because he swore to protect the constitution. He praised the gathering of his followers; Noting that they came from all over the United States to defend the dignity and integrity of the elections. He also attacked technology companies and the media, calling them unfree, unjust and repressive of freedom of expression. He said he won the vote of more than 12 million voters in the last election, adding: “Can you believe that Biden won 80 million votes? Look at the Third World, its choices are fairer than us; But we will not allow them to silence us, and I hope that Mike Pence will do the right thing to win the election. ” Trump hinted that the defeat of Republican candidate Kelly Loeffler in Georgia was also the result of fraud.
As usual, Trump reviewed the accomplishments he had made in the past four years, noting that they were matters that some thought were impossible, and saying, “There are those who hate us because we have accomplished so much. He described Republicans as weak and said, “I will watch what happens in Congress and see if we have strong leaders or leaders who are embarrassed.” He thanked senators who supported him, such as Senator Ted Cruz.
Eric Trump, the president’s son and wife, spoke to protesters outside the White House, saying the battle had just begun and the fighting was continuing, asking protesters to raise their voices so congressional lawmakers could hear them. . The president’s son stressed that his father had started a movement that would never die. Donald Trump Jr., the president’s son, spoke out by attacking the Democrats “who burn down the buildings,” and whom he called silent in the face of the theft of the elections, indicating that they do not deserve to be Republicans, and that the Republican Party is the party Trump that puts America first. Donald Jr. emphasized that the Republican Party was not doing enough to help his father change the election results.
Thousands of Trump supporters flocked before dawn Wednesday to rally in Freedom Square, near the White House and in front of the Capitol building, wearing red hats and waving flags bearing Trump’s name, the slogan “Make America Great Again. “and” Save America. ” Speakers followed the specially prepared podium in front of the White House. Trump’s close allies spoke, including Texas State Attorney Ken Paxton and Roger Stone, the attorney, whom Trump pardoned two weeks ago.
Amid clouds, frost and light rain, protesters shouted, “Fight for Trump,” “Enough robbery,” and “Four more years.” Police forces have raised the level of preparedness for the demonstrations by closing a large number of streets in the vicinity of the White House and Congress, and the mayor of the capital, Muriel Bowers, has used the National Guard and the Metropolitan Police to establish checkpoints to prevent the entry of weapons and monitor traffic, and urged residents to move away from the city center and avoid clashes. She said the crowds are looking for a fight; But we will not allow people to incite violence, intimidate residents, or cause destruction in our city. The police have lined up at 30 checkpoints; But no human fighting gear or body armor.
Before his speech, President Trump tweeted, asking Democrats and Republicans to look at the thousands of people flocking to the capital who do not want an election victory stolen by radical Democrats. Trump referred to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and other Republican leaders who oppose measures by other Republicans who plan to challenge Biden’s victory in the Electoral College vote. In another tweet, he warned that the leftist “Antifa,” which Trump said he wanted to designate as a terrorist organization, should stay out of Washington, DC. The White House press spokesman issued a statement ahead of Trump’s speech, accusing “Antifa” activists of attacking friends, neighbors and law-abiding business owners, and destroying historic monuments. “There is no place for this violence and lawlessness in the United States,” the statement said. The statement said that Trump will not allow “Antifa” or any terrorist organization to destroy our great country.


