Trump was afraid of death … and wondered if Corona would kill him


The American magazine “Vanity Fair” reported that President Donald Trump has expressed to his assistants his doubts about his ability to overcome the emerging corona virus and his fear of possible death.

In a report published Saturday, the magazine quoted three Republican sources close to the White House as confirming that the president had expressed specific concern after he had to resort to breathing medical oxygen last Friday and his body temperature rose to about 39, 5 degrees centigrade.

Two other sources told the magazine that Trump also suffered heart palpitations on Friday night, likely due to his experimental medications.

The report claimed that Trump publicly questioned whether he would be able to defeat the epidemic and addressed his aides saying, “Should I go like Stan Chira?” (Referring to his friend, businessman Stanley Chira, who died in Corona last April.)

Vanity Fair confirmed press reports that Trump was strongly opposed to the idea of ​​taking him to the hospital.

Three informed sources told the magazine that a controversy broke out between the president and his doctors when they informed him of the need to transfer him to the “Walter Reed” National Military Medical Center, approximately a month before the presidential elections.

Two of the sources indicated that the doctors had chosen Trump between going to the hospital on his feet while he can still move by himself, or taking him later in a wheelchair or stretcher when his health deteriorates.

One of the sources quoted the doctors as saying, addressing Trump: “Either you go now (to the hospital) or we will take you there later, and this is not for discussion.”

The “Vanity Fair” report confirmed the news published by “CNN” that Trump’s transfer to the hospital occurred after the stock exchanges closed in order to avoid possible financial disruption.

The magazine confirmed that Trump’s condition improved on Saturday, according to two informed sources, and went on, citing another source, that White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows informed Republican officials that the next few days will be a stage. review.

The source said: “Meadows said that if Trump managed to get out of the hospital until Tuesday, that would mean that he had passed the worst stage, but if he stayed in the hospital for a longer period, that would mean that the worst would come.”

It should be noted that Trump’s doctors announced today that the president’s health is good, as are his vital signs, noting that it is possible that this Monday he will be discharged from the hospital.
