Trump threatens to cut ties with China


The number of deaths from the Corona virus in the United States today, Thursday, rose to 85,268 cases, after 1,777 deaths were recorded in the past 24 hours. According to the website “worldometer” to monitor victims of the virus, the number of infections in the country reached one million and 432 thousand and 86 cases, after registering 21 thousand and 918 cases in the last 24 hours. While the number of people who are recovering from the virus in the United States, 310 thousand and 383.

Severe ties to China?
In turn, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, intensified his rhetoric against China today, threatening to cut all relations with the Asian giant due to his management of the “Crown” crisis, and emphasized that “no longer wants to speak to Chinese President Xi Jinping. “
Trump has been insisting for several weeks now that the large number of nearly 300,000 deaths worldwide could have been prevented “if China had acted responsibly when the virus appeared in Wuhan.”
In an interview with Fox Business, Trump said he was “very disappointed” with Beijing’s stance and rejected the idea of ​​speaking directly to President Xi to ease the tension, adding: “I have a very good relationship (with him) but I don’t want to talk to him at the moment. “
When asked about the retaliatory measures he could take, Trump evaded the response, but said in a threatening tone: “There are many things we can do. We can cut all relations with China … If we do that, will what will happen?” … We will save $ 500 billion if we cut ties. “
The President of the United States, who is criticized in his country for his lack of sympathy for the victims, emphasized that “what happened to the world and to our country is very sad, all these deaths … It is very sad for many families who they have suffered so much. “
It is noteworthy that last Tuesday, members of the “Republicans” in the Senate proposed a bill that gives the president the authority to impose sanctions on China if he does not contribute with full transparency to shed light on the origin of the disease. Since yesterday, Washington accused Beijing of trying to hack into the US investigation into a vaccine against the virus.

2.98 million new requests for benefits
The United States recorded 2.98 million new claims for unemployment benefits in the past week, indicating the continuing devastating impact of the “Covid 19” epidemic on jobs, according to figures released by the Labor Ministry on Thursday.
The number recorded for the week through May 9 now exceeds the expectations of half a million analysts (2.475 million), but shows a decrease compared to the previous week whose earnings were revised to increase to 3.171 million requests.
Since the sudden cessation of economic activities in mid-March, due to the imposition of the complete closure of the containment of the pandemic, the total number of these requests reached 36.5 million. Last April, which witnessed the first repercussions of the crisis in Corona’s spread to the world’s greatest economic power, 20.5 million jobs were canceled, an unprecedented number in such a short period.
The unemployment rate increased to its highest level in 80 years and registered 14.7%, knowing that the unemployment rate in the United States was last February, at the lowest level in 50 years (3.5%).
Yesterday, the United States Secretary of the Treasury, Stephen Mnuchin, expressed his “sympathy” to American companies and American workers in difficult circumstances, saying: “I think we are doing everything possible to rebuild our economy, and I think we will rebuild this economy. “
He stressed that the government will gradually revive the economy and explained: “It is not surprising. When you close the economy completely, you cause large-scale job losses. When you reopen the economy, you recreate these jobs.”

Vaccination is for the elderly first
Trump decided to mobilize the military to distribute a “Corona” vaccine when it becomes available and focus first on older Americans. Trump said Thursday: “Giving this vaccine a huge task … is now mobilizing the military so that by the end of the year we can give it to many very quickly.” He added that he believed there would be a vaccine by the end of the year.
The “White House” has set a goal of providing 300 million doses of the vaccine by the end of 2020. No vaccine for the virus has been approved, but several are being developed, and the production and distribution of an effective vaccine is a important step for the advancement of the American economy.
And the timeline set by Trump is inconsistent with that announced by the country’s top infectious disease expert, Anthony Fuchi, in testimony he gave in the Senate last Tuesday, saying that “the idea of ​​a vaccine available for next fall, when schools and universities resume classes, it is an ambitious idea in the form of Exaggerated. “

Washington is extending the shutdown
Washington Mayor Muriel Bauer extended the closure of the United States capital after registering new infections, while the Supreme Court of the state of Wisconsin, in the north of the country, reversed the decision to extend the stone.
Although many areas of the country were gradually reopening in an attempt to reduce further economic damage, Bawser ordered the extension of the fiduciary procedure in the home until June 8, after it was scheduled to end on Friday.
The mayor said in a statement that “the number of new daily injuries with Covid 19 has not yet decreased, and also the number of daily deaths has not decreased.” “The infection in the Covid 19 communities is still spreading throughout the region,” as well as “in the Maryland and Virginia areas near Washington,” he added. Washington alone recorded 6,584 HIV infections and 350 deaths, figures that do not take into account statistics for the surrounding suburbs.
For his part, Larry Hogan, the Republican governor of Maryland, announced that he would lift the order to stay in the state as of Friday. But he told reporters: “We fully understand that not all provinces are in the same situation.”
South Washington, Virginia, will begin a limited reopening on Friday as well, according to Governor Ralph Northam. However, the area around Washington was excluded from the plan and postponed for two weeks.
In Wisconsin, the state Supreme Court, at the request of Republican MPs, reversed the decision of the Democratic administration in that state to extend the expulsion measures.
