Trump signs presidential decree on Corona vaccine


The president of the United States, Donald Trump, announced on Tuesday that he signed a decree that guarantees the distribution of vaccines in the United States before exporting them abroad.

Trump said “vaccines will eliminate the Chinese virus” and “we have achieved what many thought we could not achieve.”

According to the decree, “the vaccine must reach Americans first,” as Trump indicated that the country may lack adequate doses after the first phase of fertilization.

US law gives authorities preference for US factory production, as Pfizer and Our Company have production units in the United States and Europe.

The Financial Times quoted a senior US administration official as saying that Trump intends to take the emerging corona virus vaccine in a live broadcast in front of cameras.

The official, who was not named by the newspaper, explained that Trump aims from this matter to increase people’s confidence in the emerging corona vaccine, and said: “The president has shown his will” to do so.

The official indicated that Trump may not have the priority to receive the vaccine, especially since his body may still possess the antibodies after being infected with Corona in an earlier period.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced Tuesday that the results of an analytical study have shown that the Pfizer-Bionic vaccine “meets the required criteria for success,” according to a report published by the Wall Street Journal. .

This means that the US administration will soon give a “green light” to this vaccine, according to the newspaper.

The Secretary of Health of the United States, Alex Azar, recently announced that the green light could be emitted “in the days following” to the meeting of the Committee of Scientists of the Administration of Food and Drug.

The Drug Administration released two reviews, the first from its team of scientists and experts, and the second from the scientists at Pfizer-Bionic.

The results showed that the vaccine reduces the risk of infection by the virus at least one week after the second dose and requires two doses for complete protection.
