Trump refuses to provide US aid to Egypt and experts believe it aims to strain relations with him: Al-Binaa daily


Monuments President American Donald Triumph, sensation Higher, distance Charges Which وجّهها to me Egypt, and the What Pay Experts Military Egyptians للكشف About objective That Declarations.

And that was Triumph maybe وجّه Charges لمصر As being «Benefit Since money Help American, Since yes To buy arms Russian»، according to Recipe to Cross section Video bulletin Through Your account In Site «Twitter».

Came Observations Triumph, inside Criticize him To Congress American, Later Approved In Package help «COVID-19 19 »، وقال Triumph: «Members Congress No They read Until content The project Which It includes 85.5 Million Dollars Help Cambodia, AND134 Million Dollars For Myanmar, AND1.3 One billion Dollars Moment, Where Will come out army Egyptian لشااء team Military Russian To form Same Exclusive, AND25 Million Dollars For programs Democracy to Pakistan, And elements Other No Necessary For relief Since virus Crown».

And threatened Triumph With»No Firm In Draft Rule Value 892 One billion Dollars For relief The Americans Since Ramifications virus Crown»، ودعا to me «need Adjust».

وقال that «Draft Law Which They are planning right now To send it to me My office Different Much About Was Expectedis a Oh seriously Stain Shame».

و .ثارت this is Declarations, Especially That Associated In Egypt, sensation Abundant Through Sites Communicate Social, and the What Pay A number Since Experts The military The egyptians لكشف objective That Declarations Real, according to Describe them.

to This To consider, He said Major general Hamdy Bakheet, Member لجنة Security Nationalist to board Representatives Egyptian, Finished Province, to Observations Especially لشبكة «C. that that» American that «objective That Declarations Real, He To imply Administration American Coming, Headed جو Biden Weather to relations With Egypt».

وتابع Bakheet saying «Modern Triumph Was wear Fallacies big, Egypt No Obtain In money Liquid Since America, And help American to her Roads Specific to Spending As Training And send Missions والخبراء And import cut Replacement parts Weapons Since the states United».

و .وضح The expert Military Egyptian saying «Observations Triumph Alone Tried To chain Egypt to Framework future Policies American to the East Means, medium».

و .كمل Saying «No Suspect that This Accusation pass About Triumph to write Issued Since Administration American itself With the purpose Chaining relations The strategy Between the states United وصر prior to To receive President the new Province».

وقال Bakheet: «the states United Place Precautions In Egypt Recruitment Help Make Firm the agreement to Eighty Century last وحتى right now, In Though Since commitment Egypt Aspects To exchange Agreed about his»، لافتاً to me that «To buy Egypt arms Since Russia I send No newly, Let it go No To complete Finance Buy it Since Help American».

as such Confirmed The expert Military Egyptian, Major general Victory Healthy, That Declarations, Saying «Observations Triumph No to her Base Since health, Only Might to More narrow border Recruitment part Since Help to To buy cut Replacement parts For weapons Now No Availability to the states United American, Except is a To complete the purchase Since Countries western In quantities Limited, Neither Might Recruitment That Money لشااء arms Russian».

Since his side, He said Manager previous To matters Moral Dependent للجيش Egyptian, Major General Sameer Faraj, that «Appointment To buy Egypt arms Russian Since Lack of it, He Appointment Sovereign Egyptian No Income To Trump or Jealous TO».

وتابع Saying «Observations Triumph Lacking originally For credibility والمضوعية to This field, Why money Help American No intervention Treasury Egyptian, but Used to To buy team Military American To complete the agreement Between Two sides about his».

و .كمل Saying «Amazed Yes Was Triumph No In Sciences Those Truth, mother is a Shrugs shoulders Party about her».

واستمر The expert Military Egyptian «We know that Over there sensitivity I have The Americans toward To buy Which country team Military Since Russia To form Public, In It depends Egypt In diversification Sources Armament As a decision Final Means, medium For example No Hear Triumph Outside Observations Similary When she purchased Egypt arms Since France or Germany or Italy».

As for About objective That Declarations, He said Farag «Triumph Wants that Do Observations far About Indeed prior to Leaving Home the target, Ki It remains to the scene Politician وال .علامي Until distance Leaving Authority».

And in Context The same, صرّح deputy previous وال .علامي Egyptian Moustafa Bakri, Saying: «talking Triumph He Allegations Empty And false Neither I know لماذا Echoing it Triumph to This Synchronization In وجه From private While Province In Doubt Finished».

وتابع Bakri saying «Triumph Only Wants that It remains to Lights وفت Look to me that Egypt Imported Weapons Since Russia, as such Imported Weapons Since France و .ميركا And germany And anyone Country, He Only Wants Continuation to Lights Observations Strange Lacking للدليل And test».

As for About Help American, And it happens Egypt In Values 2.1 One billion Dollars An american, An introduction Since agency American For development International, Divided In 815 Million Dollars How it helps Economic AND1.3 One billion Dollars How it helps Military.

وتستمر That Help American to me Egypt annually, Make Firm Cairo agreement «To camp David» للسلام With «Israel» Public 1979.

The sources of funding for this aid vary between US aid and financial aid that is monitored by the US Agency in cooperation with the Egyptian authorities.
