Trump plays his last electoral card: a systematic distortion of the image of opponents


Corona dominates all joints of power (Sol Loeb / AFP)

Just four weeks before the date of the United States presidential elections, political chaos reigned in the United States, in an unprecedented way, with the outbreak of the Corona virus, in Washington, DC, and in the White House, and high command of the Army went into isolation due to their contact with people with the epidemic, in addition to slowing down. She works on the Capitol for two weeks. Thus, Donald Trump has become, in every sense of the word, the president of a superpower, but is mired in a health crisis that dominates all powers. Despite this, the Republican billionaire continues to struggle to try to play his last political cards against the Democrats, while the Blue Party launches its last cry before Election Day, with a rally called “Reuniting the Country.”

Republicans seek to correct that the issue of Russian intervention is a democratic hoax

And the October surprises in Washington still continue. On Tuesday, Donald Trump announced the declassification of all documents related to federal investigations into Russian interference in the US elections, the use of former Secretary of State, and Trump’s 2016 democratic competition, Hillary Clinton, as a private servant for the government emails. The President of the United States wrote on Twitter: “He authorized the complete lifting of the secrecy of all documents related to the greatest political crime in American history, the Russian hoax. Likewise, the Hillary Clinton email scandal. No Edit”. And immediately, Republican voices began on social media, including former Trump spokeswoman Kylie McNamee, confident that the documents to be revealed will show that Clinton had orchestrated the “Russian scandal,” and that the latter had colluded with him. Democratic Party and the administration of Barack Obama, and the former director of the agency. The CIA, John Brennan, for fabricating “Russian election interference” and linking the Trump campaign to it, to distract Americans from her email scandal. The declassification of these documents, before the election date, is part of Trump’s efforts to discredit his political opponents, who seemed determined, after his discharge last Monday from Walter Reed Military Hospital, where he remained for a few days to receive treatment. of Corona. In a series of successive tweets on Twitter, the president also announced the suspension of talks with Democrats in the House of Representatives on the economic stimulus plan, highlighting that the US economy is doing well and that it is leading the world economy to recover. of Corona. Trump also accused, in one of his tweets, the US Food and Drug Administration, which announced stringent new standards that make it unlikely that a vaccine for the epidemic will be approved before the election, of working against it.

The issue of the declassification comes after the controversy over Russian intervention resurfaced last week, following the assessment by US intelligence agencies again that Russia is interfering in the 2020 elections to help Trump against his rival, Joe Biden. For their part, Republicans seek to correct that the issue is a democratic hoax, and that is why their senators are trying to return the issue to the limelight, portraying it as a plot by the Blue Party, whose goal was to overthrow Trump’s candidacy, and then his presidency. Last week, Congress questioned former “FBI” director James Comey for this purpose.
Regarding the suspension of negotiations on the new economic stimulus plan (the “Cares” Law, which allocated 2.2 trillion dollars to alleviate the economic recession caused by Covid 19), the optimism that prevailed in recent days was has dissipated, after the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, resumed talks with the minister. Treasury Stephen Mnuchin about it. But Trump used a brusque tone when he accused Pelosi of negotiating in “bad faith” on Tuesday, but announced his agreement to quickly sign a bill passed by Congress that would guarantee a second aid package, asking Congress to focus on itself. to ratify the appointment of Governor Amy Barrett as Supreme Court Justice. To succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Trump said of Pelosi that she is “asking for $ 2.4 trillion to help high-crime, mismanaged states in democracies, money that has nothing to do with COVID-19 in any way.” .

Biden warns of “dark forces” that distinguish Americans, and Michelle Obama describes Trump as “racist.”

This divisive rhetoric led Democrats, for their part, to raise their voices to warn voters not to vote for Trump on November 3. The Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, warned the day before yesterday about the “dark forces” that are spreading discrimination among Americans, without naming Trump, and stressed that he will strive, if he wins the presidency, to “end hatred and fear.” that is exhausting the nation. Biden said, in an election speech from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, a major state, that “there is no room for hatred in America,” adding that “the forces of darkness, the forces of separation, and the forces of the past they divide us and prevent us from moving forward and progressing. ” He noted: “We cannot and will not allow extremists and advocates of white supremacy to turn against America (as they saw it) Lincoln and (anti-slavery activists) Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglass to turn against America, that it was a refuge and a home for everyone, regardless of their background. ” . In response to the suspension of the economic stimulus discussions, Biden said the president “has turned his back on every worker who has not yet gotten their job back. He has turned his back on families struggling to pay rent, insuring food and take care of their children. “
In turn, the former first lady of the United States, Michelle Obama, called US President Donald “racist”, noting that his strategy of feeding fear, spreading discrimination and promoting egregious conspiracy theories that he adopts would “destroy” United States if elected president for a second term.
Notably, in recent events in Corona, senior US administration officials confirmed the injury of Stephen Miller, who is a senior adviser to Trump, and three Republican senators were confirmed, namely Mike Lee (Ota), Tom Tillis (North Carolina) and Ron Johnson (Wisconsin). Joint Forces Commander General Mark Milley and senior military officials in Congress were also removed after it was confirmed that Coast Guard Deputy Commander Charles Ray had been infected with an epidemic.
