Trump looks at “your father” one last time: Goodbye to protectionism!


After three years of his absence, the meeting of the “Asia-Pacific Economic Forum” witnessed the emergence of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, after another registered by his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, who emphasized the need to return to the opening between countries, before the protectionism that the president carried the banner. Outgoing. At the opening of the summit the day before yesterday, Xi presented his country as the engine of world trade, promising to “further open the doors” of Chinese markets. Beijing’s role in the forum has been strengthened in recent years, in light of Washington’s successive withdrawal from multilateral organizations, in application of Trump’s policy, which for four years raised the slogan of “America first “.

Trump addressed the forum leaders with a closed speech to the media

For the first time since 2017, Trump participated in the summit yesterday afternoon, accompanied by other leaders through video technology, but he went to the forum with a closed speech to the media. E-San, an analyst at the Singapore Institute of International Affairs, believes that the president of the United States, who until now has refused to acknowledge the victory of his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, has sought through his speech to “take a seat presidential on the international stage “. During his tenure, Trump adopted a hard-line policy toward China, imposing on it a series of strict tariffs as well as restrictions on its tech sector, while the Biden administration is likely to take a softer stance toward the world’s second-largest economic power. The APEC summit comes less than a week after the signing of the world’s largest free trade agreement between China and 14 Asian-Pacific countries. This “comprehensive regional economic partnership”, which does not include India and the United States, is seen as a victory for Beijing, which is behind the initiative, and proof of its growing influence on the level of world trade rules. The signatory countries hope the agreement will help economies, depleted by the Crown epidemic, to recover. In the context of the rejection of protectionism, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said that “exchanges have been the engine of growth and prosperity in the APEC Forum since its inception thirty years ago”, adding that “before the great economic challenges, we must not repeat the mistakes of history and resort to protectionism. ” For his part, Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga stressed that “it is vitally important to set the rules for a free and fair global economy”, while Malaysian Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin said in his keynote speech at the summit: “Our way out of the current economic slowdown.” He continued: “We must converge and work constructively to move through the region on the path to solid, comprehensive and sustainable economic growth and recovery.”

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