Trump Leaves Mass Before It’s Over, Describes His Party Critics As “Idiots”


Trump attacks his opponents as Biden’s fortune increases (Getty)

The president of the United States, Donald Trump, attacked his critics of the members of his republican party, calling them “idiots”, at the same time that he called them to join his ranks after increasing their criticism of him and warnings of a painful defeat. in the presidential elections scheduled for November 3.
Trump’s comments came as he and his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, headed Sunday to win votes in states swaying in the final yards before a presidential election, whose polls show the wealthy real estate mogul is in danger of to lose.
Speaking at a rally in western Nevada, Trump went from attacking Biden and flaunting his economic policies to discussing water pressure in restrooms and talking about a T-shirt worn by the National Association commissioner. soccer.
But he also spoke about comments by Republican Senator Ben Sas of Nebraska (center), who recently told voters that Trump “accepts the backs of dictators,” abuses women and uses the White House as a business venture.
Sass considered that Trump would lose “probably” against Biden.
Other Republican officials warned of electoral losses at the polls that would include the loss of congressional seats, including Senator Ted Cruz, who, like SAS, warned of an electoral “massacre” of Republicans.
Even Lindsay Graham, one of Trump’s closest allies in the Senate, said Thursday that Democrats have a “good chance” of winning the presidential election.
“We have some idiots,” Trump said at a rally in Carson City, Nevada.
“We have this guy Sass, as you know, who wants to make a statement. Republicans should better unite,” he said.
Trump will tour several states from Nevada to California and then to Nevada again on a day of election rallies and fundraising events, before landing in Arizona on Monday.

Visit the church
As a non-churchgoer, Trump attended Mass Sunday at an evangelical church in Las Vegas but left before it was over.
Worshipers prayed for him, and when he passed a donation plate, he saw Trump’s photographer toss a handful of $ 20 bills.
As for Biden, who is a devout Catholic, he attended mass with his wife Jill at their churches near Wilmington, Delaware, before heading to visit the grave of his son Poe, who died of brain cancer in 2015.
Biden, who took a more conservative approach due to concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic, then headed to North Carolina to attend events in Durham before holding an online meeting with religious leaders of African descent.
In Durham, the former vice president sped to a parking platform, where people in dozens of vehicles were waiting for him.
Biden addressed them saying, “We choose hope over fear, unity over division, science over imagination, and yes, we choose truth over lies.” Biden has wanted to highlight the marked differences between his campaign and Trump’s, keeping the muzzle all the time.
The third and final televised debate between the two opponents will take place in Tennessee, with topics such as “racism in the United States,” “climate change,” and “fighting Covid-19” ensuring a heated showdown.
Their first debate was dominated by chaos in Cleveland, Ohio, when they boycotted and insulted each other.
The second debate was replaced by voter interviews that aired on two separate television networks, after Trump refused to hold the debate online due to his COVID-19 infection.

Trump is late to the polls
And if there are doubts about the 74-year-old president’s recovery from the virus, his busy campaign schedule seems to contradict that.
And on Sunday, Trump again raised suspicions that messages on a laptop from Biden’s son Hunter reveal the former vice president’s involvement in links believed to be linked to corruption in Ukraine.
This makes, in his opinion, “impossible” for Biden to “ever assume the presidency!”
Biden’s campaign has repeatedly rejected allegations of corruption, and the candidate himself angrily dismissed them as a “smear campaign.”
But Trump aggressively continued his attack.
At a rally Saturday in Michigan, Biden was described as a “criminal” and a “threat to national security” and even joined an enthusiastic crowd in chants of “Lock him up.”
Trump believed that Democrats want to “erase American history, abolish American values, and destroy the American way of life.”
With the president lagging behind in opinion polls, analysts said he should focus instead on America’s economic outlook, which Trump sees as his strength.
Approximately 220,000 Americans have died from Covid-19, the highest death toll in the world, and the disease is spreading in many states at a rate unprecedented in months.
Opinion polls show that the vast majority of voters disagree with his disorderly handling of the pandemic, which Biden exploited and made a major topic of debate, promising to secure what he calls more sober leadership for the country. .
Ahead of Trump’s Nevada election events, Biden said his Republican rival “needs to clarify the issues associated with his failed handling of COVID-19.”
Trump refused to acknowledge his poor performance in opinion polls, while Biden’s supporters also expressed concern about an overconfidence in the election that could be decided by a narrow margin of victory in a state like Florida.
Democrats attacked Trump on Sunday not only because of his relentless attack on Biden, but also because of Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who struck out with a plot to kidnap her by a heavily armed right-wing armed group.
Whitmire said in an interview on NBC that the president “is motivating and inciting this kind of domestic terrorism. It is wrong. It has to stop. It is dangerous.”

(Brush from France)
