Trump Has Silent Majority: Will He Save Him Again?


It is true that the option to decide the outcome of the US elections, in advance, was no longer viable, in light of the experience of 2016, when the flags of the Democratic Party were raised pending the announcement of the name of the first American president, Hillary Clinton. At the time, the expectations were wrong, as was betting on a candidate whose political legacy did not help, to benefit from another interest that seems to have been strengthened by the “silent majority.” It is also true that this majority is still present, and perhaps, as some expectations indicate, their number has doubled, but the current context differs in all aspects from what happened in the past, either in terms of increased polarization in States. United, or of what will result from the current administration’s failure to handle the epidemic. Corona and its repercussions on the economy and employment.

The victory of the president of the United States, Donald Trump, in 2016 was a surprise of great caliber, especially after the opinion polls showed the continued leadership of the Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, as it is currently shown, the superiority of Joe Biden. . And as the result was contrary to expectations, polarization intensified in the United States, which was exacerbated by Trump’s four years in the White House, and the resulting policies (particularly in terms of dealing with the epidemic crisis) caused that the chances of him winning a second presidential term were slim to none. In light of the above, Biden’s stock rose and he is now attracting the voices of opponents of the current president, not for the love of the Democratic candidate, but to save the country another four years under Trump. However, there are those who point out that current opinion polls, despite their gaps in their 2016 counterpart, still exclude Trump’s “silent” voter.

This is the “silent” voter speaking!
In 2016, voting institutions did not count uneducated white voters. They formed a solid but hidden foundation in favor of Trump. However, that gap in the polls that favored a landslide victory for Biden was addressed by calculating the margins of error. Despite the prediction that Clinton would win the last race, a small group of polling companies gave very similar results between the two candidates at the time. Among them is the group “Traveler”, which today shows different results from all national surveys. The group’s founder, Robert Kahlee, revealed in an interview with “Fox News” that his company operates differently from other polling companies, and that most of these companies contact citizens at 7 pm via landline. (not including cell surveys) and they offer you 10, 20 or 30 questions. “Who has time for that?” Kheiley asks. The average American citizen works all day and does not want to spend their time talking on the phone at night with a survey company, and this matter, despite its simplicity, prevents survey companies from realizing the reality. Kahili explains that her company “takes a very simple approach to the number and nature of the questions, and it doesn’t take long.” More important to him is a “loophole” overlooked by other polling companies, whose title is Trump’s “silent” voter. He claims that the number of these people has doubled since the last elections, based on his company’s numbers, which “makes the silent voter give his opinion.”

Trump’s American Supporter Believes It Is Better For Him To Remain “Silent” About His Political Views

There is no doubt that the unprecedented division in the United States was evident, especially in light of the epidemic crisis in the Crown, and the subsequent protests that brought ethnic issues back to the fore, in a country that still lives on its legacy. racial. Trump supporters hate most of the democratic and capricious media, which launched a fierce campaign for three years to convince the public that the US president is a “client” of Russia, who has a bad past with women. and that it does not care about the environment as it emerged from the “Paris Climate Agreement”. But the president, who called for “law and order” under his rule, described the protesters who emerged in the context of George Floyd’s assassination as a group of leftists and anarchists in unrest. All the above adjectives and adjectives are not directed only against the president, but also against his base. As soon as someone declares they are a Trump supporter, the “charges” will be dropped. In some states, you can lose your business or friends, or get hit. Therefore, the “average” American who supports Trump finds it best for him to remain “silent” about his political views in public and express them at the polls.

Why does the “average” American want Trump?
This question cannot be answered without mentioning the so-called “rust belt states,” states that were named after the late 1970s, after a sharp drop in industrial work that left many factories deserted and desolate. This belt begins in central New York and passes west through Pennsylvania, Ohio, Maryland, Indiana, and Michigan, and ends north in Illinois, eastern Iowa, and southeastern Wisconsin. Most of these states voted for Trump in 2016, after he told his people that America’s entry into the World Trade Organization was a mistake, and that countries had grown at America’s expense, and if They voted for him, he would restore those factories to work. Here’s what happened during his first term in office: He imposed heavy taxes on many countries, most notably China, returned auto factories to Michigan, and achieved unprecedented growth in American history in the number of jobs. . Then Trump went to Pennsylvania and said at one of his rallies that the environmental agreements signed by the United States stopped the coal factories in this state, and also stopped the exploration and extraction of shale oil: “If he is elected, those agreements will be they will cancel and Pennsylvania will return to prosperity. ” Thus, Trump became president. Two days ago, the president of the United States went to Pennsylvania. He just needed to show his fans a video of Joe Biden, in which he would repeat that he would stop drilling for shale oil if he won. Trump said, “If you want to lose your new business that brought you, and big new taxes, vote for Biden,” adding: “Pennsylvania will determine the outcome of this election at the electoral college. Trump has tickled the dreams of “ordinary” Americans that America will return to its golden age. It is true that they often disagree with him and on many issues, but they know he is “the right man.”

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