Trump after hospital … took off his muzzle and looked forward to removing …


US President Donald Trump, who has yet to fully recover, played down the risks of Covid-19, trying, among poor opinion polls, to link his acquisition of immunity to the virus and similar immunity to electoral defeat.

He said he wanted the next presidential debate to take place with his Democratic rival, Joe Biden, despite his infection with the emerging coronavirus. “I am looking forward to the debate on Thursday night, October 15, in Miami. It will be great,” he wrote in a tweet.

Less than a month before the presidential elections before his Democratic opponent, Trump is betting on the letter of the strong leader who defeated the virus and asked Americans “not to let the virus control their lives,” and intensified his tweets and videos.

This speech unleashed severe criticism in the medical community, with doubts about his success in delivering the message in a country where the death toll exceeded 210,000. The Covid-19 epidemic in 2020 will be the third leading cause of death in the United States.

Trump, who has been criticized since the start of the Corona outbreak, for his irresponsible tweets and lack of sympathy, seems determined to continue the same approach.

After returning to the White House after spending three days at Walter Reed Military Hospital, he tweeted: “Seasonal flu is coming!” He said: “Are we going to close the country? No, we have learned to live with it and we will live with Covid-19, which is no longer fatal for most of those infected.” Hit the numbers on the other side of the wall.

According to the United States health authorities, deaths during the last decade did not exceed 100,000 per year.

Biden has a 16-point lead

Upon his return to the White House on Monday night, Trump led excellently, reminding the United States and the world of his love of provocation.

After exiting the helicopter that took him out of the military hospital, Trump walked to the balcony of the White House and stood in front of the glasses of the photographers waiting for him below, removed his medical mask, raised his thumbs to the sign of the victory and gave the military salute.

Their political future is known to be at stake and full of negative indicators.

With the presidential election looming on November 3, Trump’s declining opinion polls raises concern as he fears he will become the elected president for a single term, in contrast to his three predecessors: Barack Obama, George W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

According to the latest “CNN” and “SSRS” opinion poll released Tuesday morning, Biden is 16 points ahead of him (41 percent versus 57 percent in voting intentions). Another “NBC” and “The Wall Street Journal” poll released Sunday showed Biden a 14-point lead.

And if we look at the map of the main states capable of deciding the electoral result in favor of one of the candidates, the progress is not so clear, although it has become a reality.

On the other hand, a small group of Trump supporters, promoting the image of a warrior president who defeated the Corona virus, will be able to influence the electoral result.

On Monday night, former Trump adviser Sebastian Gorka tweeted: “Diagnosis: unbeatable.”

Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn tweeted: “President Trump has defeated China again,” with photos of the president describing COVID-19 as the “Chinese virus” as he left the hospital.

But several Republican lawmakers remained silent when Trump tweeted Monday from the hospital to which he was admitted Friday night: “Don’t be afraid of Covid-19.”

He confirmed on Monday, “I’ll be back soon to resume my campaign !!”

But medical staff clearly stated that Trump’s discharge from the hospital does not mean that things will return to normal.

Dr. Sean Conley stated, “He may not have fully recovered yet,” noting that he will receive “excellent 24-hour medical care at the presidential residence.”

As for Biden, he continues his campaign at the same pace and will deliver a speech Tuesday (yesterday) from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
