Trump admits he underestimated Corona’s dangerousness … so as not to “cause panic”


The president of the United States says he does not want to cause a state of panic in the country over the spread of the Crown epidemic, and announces new nominations to the Supreme Court if he is re-elected.

  • Press conference of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, in Washington (AFP).
    Press conference of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, in Washington (AFP).

US President Donald Trump announced during a press conference that 20 new names would be nominated for possible Supreme Court appointments if reelected, and the nominees included members of the Senate from the Republican Party, including Tim Cotton and Ted Cruz.

Trump admitted that he tried to underestimate the severity of the new Corona virus early in its outbreak, according to audio recordings of excerpts from an interview with American journalist Bob Woodward published Wednesday.

He added: “I always wanted to reduce its severity (the virus), and I still want to reduce its severity, because I don’t want to create a panic state.”

The president of the United States admitted that his administration wanted to reduce panic, create a state of calm and avoid the rise in prices of masks and medical equipment, adding when speaking of the Corona virus: “If we had not done what we did, we would have witnessed millions of deaths, and he considered that he had reduced the spread of Covid-19 to avoid hysteria. “

Notably, the president of the United States had announced that he had issued a license to use recovered plasma as a treatment for those infected with the emerging coronavirus.

Trump confirmed during a press conference that the issuance of the license “came after the US Food and Drug Administration analyzed the data of more than 100,000 patients who received blood plasma for those who recovered, and it was verified which reduces the death rate by 35%. “

This comes after White House press secretary Kylie McCannani announced that the US president will hold a press conference to discuss a “breakthrough in the treatment” of the Corona virus.

The comments, published eight weeks before the presidential election, exacerbated pressure on Trump. Polls show that about two-thirds of Americans are dissatisfied with the way he handled the coronavirus crisis, and he is accused of underestimating the severity of the crisis to increase his chances of winning a second presidential term.

But Trump had always assured Americans in the first weeks of 2020 that the virus was not dangerous and would “go away” on its own.

It took the president of the United States until July to convince himself to wear a muzzle during his public appearances.

Trump often praised China’s response to the epidemic in the early stages, before attacking it later and holding it responsible for its spread and causing the global health crisis.

The total death toll from Covid-19 in the United States is expected to exceed the 200,000 mark.

Trump insists on his success in managing the response to the epidemic and correcting his proactive decisions to ban travelers from China, where the virus first appeared, and from hot spots in Europe. Yet polls show that two-thirds of Americans oppose his decisions.

White House press officer Kelly McKinani told reporters that the only motivation for Trump to reduce the severity of the virus was to reassure Americans.

“It is important to show confidence, it is important to show calm,” he added, noting that “the president has never lied to Americans about Covid-19.”
