Tripoli towards herd immunity: tens of thousands injured!


Rajana diet

Officially, Tripoli entered the stage of a “social epidemic”, and the Disaster Management Committee of the city’s municipality announced it yesterday. The news was expected, three weeks after the Coronavirus infections counter flew there, but it arrived quickly and surprisingly to announce the transition to the second wave of virus spread and its “climax”, according to the head of the committee, Jamil Jablawi. , who confirmed that “Tripoli is rapidly moving towards something. Known as herd immunity.”

Jablawi’s announcement did not come out of nowhere, but is the result of the numerical calculations in which the municipality has worked, based on the daily report issued by the National Operations Chamber for Disaster Management. The report highlights the change in HIV infection rates in the city, at a time when the percentage of positive results of tests carried out on 100 contacts of neighbors did not exceed 0.05%, today this percentage is 6, 5%. If this indicates anything, it’s that things are out of control. Based on this percentage, the Municipal Disaster Management Committee made a calculation of casualties in the city and produced a result that differed from the official figures. This means, according to Jablawi, that “if the Tripoli district includes 600,000 people, then it is assumed that there are about 39,000 people infected with Coronavirus.” And as “the tests in the Judiciary that are carried out on those in contact show that out of every 100 examinations, there are around 25 positive results, according to the epidemiological surveillance team of the Ministry of Health in Tripoli, so the number of who had contact with the 39 thousand infected becomes tens of thousands “.
Once the account was drawn up, another inventory of those responsible was required. However, this time, it was not difficult to correct the arrows that those involved in the first place aimed at the state, specifically at the Ministry of Health, which deals with the city “as if it were a small town.” At a time when the number of wounded in the city was overflowing, “today we have trouble finding beds for Corona patients, and so far there are 32 beds for the entire district, while the respiratory system is less than the number of fingers.”
From here, the demands were to increase the number of hospital beds for Corona patients “to a minimum of 1,000 beds and a maximum of 100 intensive care beds,” according to Jabalawi.
The case of Tripoli, which begins its battle with the second wave early, is not the only one facing the virus today, after it entered all regions, including Zgharta, which walks the road to Tripoli. According to the detailed daily report of the Disaster Management Chamber, yesterday there were wounded in 140 areas, amounting to 553 wounded, most of them by contacts (543 wounded), and with it the count rose to 14,853 wounded. As for the death count, it was not better, since yesterday it registered 5 deaths, which brought the total to 212, and the cases in the intensive care rooms increased, reaching 121 cases out of 400 hospitalizations.
In addition, the Ministry of Health launched the electronic application “Together”, in preparation for the second phase of implementation. This application works through “Bluetooth” technology in the mobile phone, so that it transmits the whereabouts of the person and works to store information on each device. In this context, if a person has tested positive for Corona, “then she can agree that the Ministry of Public Health uses the information collected from the devices of those who were close to her during the last 14 days to warn users. As to whether the person was exposed to the virus by a person who was in close contact with him, the Ministry of Health will be able to contact him quickly so that he can get the support he needs, reducing the risk of serious consequences.

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