Tripoli affected by health: the number of injured 40 thousand? Phalanges


It was stated in the Al-Akhbar newspaper:

Tripoli did not come out of the eye of the storm. Almost three weeks after it began to register a high number of infections, the city continues to lead in the number of people infected by Coronavirus, since yesterday it registered 69 cases (39 of which are under verification) of 400 infections registered by the accountant Corona (393 residents and 7 expatriates). .

And the northern capital appears to be on its way to slide into the second wave of the virus before others. At a time when the Ministry of Public Health has marked the peak of the second wave with the start of the flu season, the northern region is deviating from that rule, with very high numbers of registered infections, which makes the region in a health “disaster”. Therefore, and in the framework of preparing to face the second wave, the Ministry of Health began working from Tripoli to limit the spread of Corona in it and in the northern districts, by announcing an increase in the number of pcr tests and an increase in the number of beds in intensive care and regular hospital beds to receive the potential number of infected.
With the preparations to enter the second wave, the Minister of Public Health, Hamad Hassan, of the Tripoli Brigades, announced that the health situation is “delicate”, which requires – in addition to medical equipment – raising the level of “awareness among citizens “, hoping that” everyone will respond to the instructions of the Ministry of Health. ” And comply with the use of masks and hygiene standards, as well as the instructions issued by the government.
Tripoli is not the only one affected by the virus, although it is the “most affected”. According to the report issued by the Central Chamber for Disaster Management, yesterday there were injuries in 122 Lebanese towns. Returning to the figures registered by the Corona counter, yesterday the figure stabilized at the number 14396, in exchange for the recovery of cases reaching 6430. Perhaps the dangerous indicator is the return of the death counter to register high rates with 9 deaths registered yesterday, taking the figure to 200. To the risk factors there are also cases. Which requires admission to intensive care, since yesterday 112 cases were registered in intensive care rooms.
Regarding laboratory tests, the Ministry carried out 6,914 exams the day before yesterday, of which 2,027 were exams at the airport. In this context, Hasan revealed that work has begun to increase these tests as part of the escort of the second wave. While the head of the Lebanese Private Hospital Owners Union, Suleiman Haroun, announced that the figures recorded by the accountant Corona do not reflect the actual number of injured, highlighting that “there are injuries that are higher than the declared number, since the number The number of exams we carry out is limited and therefore there are injuries that have not yet appeared ”. .

In a related context, the visit of the Minister of Health, Hamad Hassan, yesterday to Tripoli, 10 days after his last visit to it, gave an indication of the magnitude of the anxiety surrounding the second capital over the extremely dangerous outbreak. of the Corona virus, and a justified fear of the next danger if official deals continue. And popular with the virus as it is today of indifference and contempt.
Although Hassan attaches the utmost importance to the city of Tripoli today, he did not bring with him on his second visit anything more than a symbolic relief, which is 10,000 masks. Despite the need for urgent health support in the region, so far it has not received very little from the ministry, among which stands out the equipment of the government hospital with sufficient resuscitation rooms and laboratory test devices for pcr, since there is only a device provided by the city council. It also contains only 32 beds designated for those infected with the virus, which hardly meet the hospitalization needs of those infected, while the “four-bed” assistance provided by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has yet to be completed. completed.
The head of the Disaster Management Committee in the municipality of Tripoli, Jamil Jablawi, confirmed: “We presented an integrated plan to the interested authorities to face the virus, but the administrative routine did not make them see the light.” Today in the forbidden ». He warned that the city “is today between two fires: the fire of the lack of preparation of the state and the provision of the necessary assistance to it from examination devices, laboratories and others, and the fire of the lack of commitment of citizens with the measures and the quarantine, due to the stressful life situation and the contempt of many for the dangerousness of the virus ”.
Jablawi sounded the alarm with the departure of Tripoli “from the stage of containment and general mobilization to the stage of herd immunity”, highlighting that “the number of people infected by the virus in Tripoli is much higher than declared, because of a sample of infected estimated at about 500 people, there are between 40 and 50 infected, that is. Between 8 and 10%, and if we remove this figure from the population of the city, this means that the number of injured in it is of at least 40,000, and not 1,200, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Health.

Source: News
