Transparent masks to help the hearing impaired


Transparent masks to help the hearing impaired

Two American Researchers Demand Widespread Publication

Friday – 18 Jumada I 1442 AH – January 1, 2021 AD Edition No. [

“Save and Clear” respirators for the hearing impaired

London: “Asharq Al-Awsat”

Two American researchers warned about the negative effects of masks on the lives of deaf and hard of hearing people, who rely more than others on non-verbal communication. And they demanded the provision of more realistic solutions by adopting the widespread use of transparent masks.
In general, during human interaction, a slight smile, a firm handshake, eye contact, posture, and lip reading give us more information about a person than spoken language alone. The loss of some of these signals, coupled with the widespread use of masks, makes communication difficult.
And researchers; They are hearing impaired: Stephen McIntorf is a doctoral student at Harvard University, and Zeina Jawadi, an Iraqi-American, Stanford graduate, and a medical student at the University of California. They indicated that masks exacerbate feelings of social isolation and exacerbate many health, economic and social problems. Even before the Covid-19 pandemic, a study by the World Health Organization in 2017 estimated that social isolation associated with hearing loss, communication problems, and stigma generated a social cost of $ 573 billion. annually, plus an additional $ 105 billion due to unemployment or underemployment.
The classroom is often a nightmare environment for these people, as they struggle to understand lessons, get the proper arrangements, and interact with their peers.
The researchers said the clear masks make the mouth and lower face visible, allowing lip reading and other facial cues to be read again. They added that nonverbal facial cues are not only necessary for people with hearing problems, but also for people with autism, as well as for everyone else.
They indicated some challenges in getting clear skins. The first is the lack of supply in stores. Currently, “SafeN’Clear” and “ClearMask” are the only two companies that make clear masks approved by the “Food and Drug Administration (FDA)”, but there are several new types that may be available next year, such as “LEAF N99 + 12 “and” HelloMasks13 “.
The researchers provided advice on best communication practices:
Speak in a normal voice. Yelling reduces clarity and understanding.
Use visual cues and hand gestures.
Use context clues.
Repeat in different ways.
Stay away from noise sources.
Get attention before you speak.
Avoid walking and talking if possible.
– be patient.


