Tragedy in Mansouriya … Medical Malpractice Killed!


The family of the late Richard Wakim issued a statement, explaining the deceased’s suffering and the circumstances of his death as a result of his contagion with Corona and his admission to the hospital “where he was treated with medical negligence.”

The statement read:

The city of Mansuriyya and its residents were distraught over the death of Richard Wakim, 54, a young businessman who worked in the investment and construction field with his father and older brother Michel, Richard entered the Bellvo Medical Center to receive treatment. after his contagion with the Coronavirus, after knocking on his door a week ago and the answer was “We have to wait.” There is a long list, and his condition worsened until he was admitted, and there instead of receiving care and treatment, He was treated in the worst way, abandoned and left for long hours alone, and his condition deteriorated. He cares for his elderly father in the same room, who is also infected with the Coronavirus.

He added: “When the deceased’s sister complained to the hospital director about the mistreatment, he replied:” Take whatever you want. “Then the family asked to transfer him to another hospital. I called Dr. Joseph Helou, who summoned the Cross Roja, and was transferred from the room with nurses without a doctor to accompany him while he is in this critical situation between life and death.

And the statement continues: “He remained under artificial respiration and tried by all means to save him from the complications of the disease and neglect, and died yesterday at dawn, the victim of apparent recklessness.”

The family of the late Richard Wakim concluded their statement by saying: “Health Minister Hamad Hassan is aware of the news and is asked to initiate an investigation with the hospital.”

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