Towards hardening and activating control registers?


Contrary to the recommendations of the medical scientific committee of the Ministry of Public Health, the Coronavirus Preventive Measures and Procedures Monitoring Committee, headed by the Secretary General of the Supreme Defense Council, Major General Mahmoud Al-Asmar, yesterday did not recommend a shutdown complete for a period of two weeks.

There is an almost firm conviction of the Committee on Preventive Measures of the futility of a complete shutdown in light of current economic conditions. Committee sources assure that no country has been closed four times before, while the results have not produced the desired one. “The problem is internal infection and not expatriates, which means that there is a failure to control the spread, which requires alternative closure measures.”
Consequently, the committee recommended taking a series of “alternative” measures to closure, which consists of increasing the number of daily examinations to reach an average of 110,000 examinations per million residents (the current rate is 107,000 examinations per million), while pointing out the importance of activating the work of quarantine centers and urging private hospitals. Category “A” is classified as awarding departments of Corona and other measures that are “necessary before going to the closing”, in the words of the committee member and adviser to the Minister of Tourism, Mazen Bou Dargham. The latter pointed out that the ministry would not recommend the closure of cafes, restaurants and hotels “unless there is a comprehensive and total closure with no exceptions for all interests.” The Restaurants and Cafes Union had previously declared a “rebellion” against the closure decision, in opposition to what it called its enshrinement as a “stick-breaker” in light of keeping supermarkets, factories and some other sectors open.
This talk supposes, in practice, the exclusion of the closure demanded by the Minister of Health in the interim government, Hamad Hassan, two days ago. At least in the near future. The alternative, according to Bou Dargham, is to tighten surveillance and activate arrest reports against those who violate standard muzzle procedures, social distancing measures, etc.

Disagreement between the Scientific Committee of the Ministry of Health and the Measures Committee on the management of the epidemic crisis

These “alternatives” do not seem to be enough to remedy the situation, according to the Ministry of Health, whose medical scientific committee considered yesterday that the closure “constitutes an opportunity to take a breath and prepare for the upcoming fall season that heralds a flu season with Crown “. Likewise, he considered that the closure seems necessary “to reestablish the investigation and tracking capacity, because the number of injured exceeded a thousand (first of) yesterday, which prevented the field teams from investigating and tracking,” noting that the total closure “It allows increasing the capacity of government and private hospitals to absorb cases suffering from Symptoms due to the high mortality rate.”
The Scientific Committee joined the Committee on Preventive Measures to urge private hospitals to open departments for Corona “regardless of profit and loss criteria, as some hospitals are not allowed to receive negative and irresponsible treatment at this stage.”
Apart from the disagreement on the “vision” between “Health” and the Ministerial Committee to repair reality, a serious danger is still aggravating daily and requires the activation of the most appropriate measures to control the spread. Yesterday 684 injuries were registered (657 residents and 27 expatriates), while 10 deaths were announced. This brought the number of victims of the virus to 307.
Consequently, the total number of injured rose to 17,173 people, of which 460 resided in hospitals (and 123 of them were in critical condition).
What is striking is what is mentioned in the recommendations of the Committee for the Follow-up of Measures in terms of activating the work of the epidemiological surveillance program by increasing the number of workers monitoring cases, which amounted to about 57 throughout Lebanon, at a rate of 30 workers per 100,000 inhabitants of Lebanon.

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