Tomorrow, the Ministry of Health is heading to southern Babylon … strict measures, curfews and controls for these people … here are the details


According to press sources, the names of 35 people from the southern city of “Babylon” who had military contact with the Lebanese army have been infected with a koron. They will be contacted consecutively to undergo the Corona tests tomorrow Monday.

The municipality of Babylon announced a curfew for two weeks after the discovery of an injury, and issued the following statement:

The Crisis Cell announced in a statement issued after the “Cell Emergency Meeting (covid – 19)” in the Babylonian city of the southern Zahrani region, that it had decided “a curfew and meeting prevention in all the neighborhoods of the city, and orders have been given to the municipal police to write down the acts and fines for the violators. ” And he made available to parents “a list of the names of the volunteers, to ensure their daily needs.”

I went to the townspeople in a statement, stating from the beginning that: “Given the recent developments in the town, and with the confirmation of the injury of one of the town’s dear children to the new Corona virus, and after recklessness and the lack of commitment of all, take preventive measures, and for fear that we waste our efforts and efforts, and in the interest of On the health of the townspeople, especially the groups most vulnerable to the complications of infection, it was decided than:

1- All those in contact with the affected case, or any other emerging situation, must adhere to the complete house stone, for a period of not less than 14 days, and who are subject to an examination are not exempt from this decision. from PCR, even after confirming your negative result, and in case of any symptoms, first contact In the crisis cell (at the number 03717535 Dr. Hussein Hoteit) and then contact the Ministry of Public Health hotline 01594459.

2- It is forbidden to open any of the institutions within the city, except those that deal with food, medicine and communications.

3- The municipality will work to secure the telephone numbers for the home delivery service, according to the geographical distribution of the homes.

4- All families are required to adhere to the home delivery service, for a period of two weeks from today (expandable), and this includes the needs of food establishments, butchers and ovens.

5- The townspeople are strictly prohibited from entering pharmacies or telecommunications stores, except with the application of masks and sterilization of the hands when entering and leaving, keeping the safe distance between people, at least one and a half meters.

6- The responsibility falls on the owners of pharmacies and telecommunications stores, to compel parents to comply with the foregoing and avoid overcrowding within them, since it is allowed to enter a maximum of one person, at the same time, and do not touch any of the purposes indoors where the employee is assigned to deliver medications OR the required widgets.

7- Store owners should use each muzzle and sterilize surfaces periodically.

8- People are required to adhere to their cars while waiting their turn to enter, and not to cause crowding at the entrances of institutions, and pedestrians must wait a safe distance.

9- Strictly observe the following general procedures:

Do not litter on the street and from car windows.
– Do not spit on the street and from car windows.
– Stick to the sneeze and cough label using a tissue, where they are immediately thrown, or use a sleeve to close your nose and mouth and then wash your hands.
Do not touch the face, especially the eyes, mouth and nose.
Wash your hands frequently for at least 20 seconds, using soap and water, or hand gel, which contains 60% alcohol and more.
Avoid handshaking and kissing.
– Prohibits visits, invitations to Iftar and Suhoor.
It is strictly prohibited to leave the house for any sporting activity, such as walking anywhere, under legal prosecution.
– When leaving the house, the municipality urges families to choose a person to leave, the youngest, fit and healthy person, to preserve the health of family members.

10 – Small and large gatherings are prohibited, especially in public squares, mosques and places of mourning in the city.

11- All cafes, men’s and women’s hairdressers and clothing stores are closed, and the owners of these stores are prohibited from practicing their professions within their homes, under pain of taking strict measures against violators.

12- It is the duty of each member of the city to maintain a high level of responsibility, and not publish the names of any of the people who may be injured, or spread rumors and panic among the people of the city, and prevent stigma, since that each of us is vulnerable to injury, and this requires avoiding bullying and teasing. Inside the village.

13- We ask people to comply with the news broadcast by the municipality and the Ministry of Public Health, and we promise that we will tackle the problem transparently.

14- We ask people to report any newcomers from outside Babylon, to contact them.

He concluded: “These measures will be applied for a period of two weeks from their date, with the possibility of extension, if necessary. The municipality of Babylon and the members of the crisis cell trust that, through conscience of your beloved families and your commitment to your responsibilities to your city, we will overcome this crisis together. ”
