To the depositors … and the “ruler”


Yesterday I was struck by an image of the governor of the Banque du Liban, crowned by a satirical comment that expressed this “audacious” contempt for the tragedy of depositors trapped in the families of their promises, measures and restrictions, and for their fertile imagination. criminal, and promising to exchange their money for candy in the form of eggs and heads of “slaves”. He had an image of the reaction of these silent and oppressed people, and the best response to the ruler and his image was: “You are not a good father to expect good gifts from you, but they are the eggs of poisoned snakes and the black heads of your corruption. We will only be happy with your departure, whatever the method! ”

In that image I found a suitable message to depositors under the heading «Do not be silent in telling the truth from today on, and do not be silent in the face of the demand for your rights, your money, the sweat on your brow, and the fatigue of the life he spent collecting some money for his retirement or for his difficult days, or for his health or for the education of his children … A criminal will cover his mouth, they will put a chair on his back. “
This great Lebanese people remains silent and drugged to this day, living under the influence of the illusions and lies of a people of corrupt, rotten, complicit and cowardly power, who leave their fate to a rabid and reckless ruler who manipulates the destiny of the country and its people, and who ruthlessly controls the food of our livelihood, the knowledge of our children and our future. He is the main partner in the commission of a great human and national crime that was not limited to stealing the citizen’s money and depriving him of security and protection due to his retirement, old age and beyond, but also to the destruction of what remains of our beautiful “model” architecture with its unique nature and plurality, which is wonderful with its children, the creativity with its immigrants and the steadfastness of its residents. They are waiting for their children to return to their eyes with their vision between one Christmas season and another … He kept deceiving us and manipulating the money of residents and expatriates and lying to us for thirty-five years, he and the one who brought it from the rulers from Lebanon …
The horror of his crime against the Homeland is the magnitude of his work, his insignificance, his contempt and the brutality of that destruction that tried to discipline the country and did not and will not succeed. And here they are today completing the crime by depriving the poor even of their subsistence, of their daily bread and of the warmth at the gates of the coming winter!
Remember with me statements that we heard from him: “You talk and whisper about any crisis and collapse, to see a thousand good things that do not have to be panic … Do not fear, because the banks are in their best condition, and the economy of the Lebanon too … ”. And here he is today completing the march of lies, fornication, hypocrisy and fraud, and in all rudeness the people on one of the screens who are accomplices of him in his crimes and in the presence of some of the “professionals of the media that bleach the blackness and ugliness of its image “say: You have every right to withdraw your deposits in banks, but in Lebanese pounds … You are in Lebanon. And all countries do this and return money to depositors in their national currency! So why do you “meekly” and take pride in your country’s currency, simple people? The ruler forgot his order or forgot that it is the dollar of the economy, and that the banks have never told those who deposited their money with them in green currency that they will not return it with anything other than the Lebanese pound than the ruler and their old and new deputies printed billions of them for us, to lose some value to them, so where is the hiring law and what’s left? Of the laws, after trampling the provisions of the Currency and Credit Law, article by article and paragraph by paragraph, especially those related to the preventive function of the Special Investigative Commission, for which it became the opponent, the ruling, the prohibition, and the whole.
With his order and “without compassion or conscience”, the ruler forgot that for years and years he inflicted huge amounts of money on public finances and the treasury to maintain a constant exchange rate of the pound on the dollar, and wasted billions for this reason, and he joined the banks and their owners in their crime by luring expatriates to transfer their lives to the cemetery of his “regime.” The banker who has long praised and misled us saying that he is the pride of Lebanon and the Lebanese, in exchange for the toxic interest in usury, and it is one of his first duties, powers and responsibilities to maintain this banking system and ensure its stability and prosperity, so that Lebanon’s differential advantage remains in the region. And here he is squandering this wealth at the expense of an enemy perched on the fortified borders of Lebanon, who strives to sow chaos and incitement and raise the level of internal tension in order to subdue him and give him his right to his wealth … or in favor of big money whales of politicians and leaders, who covered their corruption and corruption and their businesses for many years. It is no wonder that today we see them arrogant in protecting, defending and avoiding a criminal or accounting investigation at the Bank of Lebanon, even if the matter came to the total ruin of all of Lebanon … or in favor of bankers and businessmen who they choked on gifts, gifts, honors, and “acrobatic financial engineering.” And the “request faded” throughout his renewed mandate, with external support (especially American), which was little equaled, and is not hidden from anyone and does not need proof.
As for the latest heresy of the ruler with his order, the no-riad and the no-salama, which we cannot go unnoticed, is his claim that a third of the gold is in America and the rest is in the vaults of the Central Bank. in Lebanon, without explaining to us the statement of his third deputy before some of the deputies in which the appointed denies. Delineate any actual physical inventory of gold since 1996. Jeez, how do you understand these strange, ambiguous and contradictory statements? Does it not inculcate the suspicion that gold does not exist today in its origin, and allows the question about the possibility that it has been undone long ago by selling it, hypothesizing it or some other heresy that does not occur to you?
Oh moderates … How long will you be silent after all this humiliation, humiliation, impoverishment and hunger at the hands of criminal gangs who are cunning with most of their components, leaders and political leaderships, except for a few who do not exceed the number of fingers of one hand?
no way. It is not allowed to be silent after today … It has become disbelief to suppress anger, suppress feelings, curb anger and stop the revolution in front of the sectarian gangs who agree to kill you with the Riad Salameh knife, and that They agree to protect it and not hold it accountable and investigate it because that will embarrass them and expose their lies, hypocrisies and their dealings throughout that period. It will strip them naked and drop the last fig leaf they are still clinging to in front of their constituents and supporters, putting them in critical situations before them. Therefore, they are maneuvering, deceiving, playing with words, fluffing them up and intentionally and deliberately and persistently implanting vague and deliberate footnotes in order to punish and disrupt most of their decisions and recommendations, such as It was reported recently by using the word “parallel” that most analysts and experts and even some magicians and astrologers confuse about its interpretation when In the last recommendation issued by our esteemed parliament, which today mobilized and wants a parallel investigation of all the institutions, departments and state funds. This would postpone all investigations and take them back dozens of light years forward in a mission that we all know in advance is one of the seventh impossible due to the deepening of corruption and its extension to all the articulations of these institutions and administrations. Do we have the luxury of waiting? Does the status quo with all the effects and repercussions of the collapse that is taking place at all levels support it?
So what is the benefit of silence after today? Can we get our money back and compensate for the loss of our lives, dreams and ambitions that they buried together, during all those long years that have passed since their mismanagement, deficiencies, lack of awareness and creativity in the bankruptcy of the State and the banks, in collusion with their owners? Not to mention his intermediaries and their dealings and the seeding of his henchmen and accountants in all decision-making positions to facilitate their thefts and acquire what they enjoy and what is forbidden from the dairy cow’s udder at the expense of blind taxpayers. mercilessly. And what cave is it that Ali Baba invaded along with hundreds of thieves, robbers and robbers and continued to drain it for all those years?
We will not congratulate such a people for such a ruler, an association of banks and bankers, nor for such rulers, of course, because they are all of the same mud, mass and spoiled seed … And to these we say: “After your injustice there is no injustice or tyranny, and we promise that we will rise from the ashes and hold you accountable, and time will not be prolonged. !

* Dr. Talal Hammoud
Coordinator of the Forum for Dialogue and Donation without Borders
