To fight the Corona virus .. Take vitamin D. | Phalanges


Scientists continue their tireless efforts to confront the emerging corona virus, which has drained the world’s health and economy for an entire year, and with vaccination campaigns beginning in a large number of countries, science is looking for ways to strengthen the immunity of the body to face the epidemic.

In this regard, an American nutrition expert revealed that vitamin “D” is one of the vitamins that can help reduce deaths from infection with the emerging corona virus, according to the US channel “Fox News”.

Prevent deaths

He said that several studies concluded that 9 out of 10 deaths from Covid 19 could have been prevented if the deceased had sufficient levels of solar vitamin.

The channel also quoted Dr. Peter Osborne of the Origins Center for Nutrition in Texas, to a local channel, saying that taking vitamin D is an easy way to fight the virus and that a personal physician can examine a blood sample to check the levels. of vitamins.

One of the smartest things

Osborne said: “I think this is probably one of the smartest things anyone can do right now, especially when dealing with a relatively unknown illness.”

He noted that experts say that people with Covid 19 who suffer from vitamin “D” deficiency are more likely to need to use ventilators, which is not good because their results are not necessarily positive, so if we can get people out of fans and maintain your immune system with nutrition, This is better.

winter season

Studies have indicated that vitamin “D” declines in the winter due to people’s lack of sun exposure. A person needs at least 20 minutes of sunlight every day to obtain an adequate amount of the vitamin, and for this it is necessary to take a nutritional supplement to obtain the adequate amount. From the vitamin.

Some US hospitals use vitamins as a treatment for the Corona virus, not for prevention, and Osborne said, “Many doctors suggest taking vitamins as a treatment.” .

Immunity booster

He also emphasized that everyone should think about strengthening their immune system by using four different supplements, namely vitamin D and C, zinc, and quercetin, which work to clear cells against zinc.

Osborne suggested some dietary sources of vitamin D, such as fish, because they help you get it, warning against overeating.

The new Corona virus has killed one million and 743,187 people worldwide and infected more than 79.3 million people since the outbreak of the disease in late December 2019, according to a census conducted by Agence France-Presse. on Friday.
