To escape Corona … Apple adds “exceptional” feature to iPhone 2021


US reports revealed that Apple “intends to make a fundamental update in the design of the new iPhone for the current year 2021, to escape a crisis linked to the emerging corona virus, which causes” Covid 19 “.

And the agency “Bloomberg” said that “Apple” is considering adding “a fingerprint reader from inside the screen and invisible” on the next “iPhone”.

According to Sputnik Arabi, the agency added that this feature, the company began to think about implementing it early last year, especially with the widespread reliance today on wearing face masks due to the emerging “Corona” virus, which largely prevented the use of the “face print” function. Apple first released it on the iPhone X.

And “Bloomberg” added that “Apple” is still testing the technology of the “fingerprint reader from within the screen” to include it this year.

And the US agency also revealed a scare in its report, which is that the company “Apple” discussed removing the “Lightning” port from some “iPhone” models, in favor of wireless charging, after it removed the power charger from the box of his latest iPhone 12, which was announced last September, under the pretext of protecting the environment.

“Bloomberg” also mentioned that “Apple” began work on the development of a folding phone and began designing prototypes for folding screens, after many of its competitors launched phones with that design, such as “Samsung”, which introduced the phone “Galaxy Fold”, And Motorola.

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