To address current problems if we are to survive the storm.


Hariri University Hospital Director Firas Abyad tweeted: “Generally, the benefits of tightening prevention measures, or even a blanket shutdown, take weeks to materialize. The current acute crisis in the Corona family cannot wait that long. Three problems can have an impact. ” Right away, and it is important to address it in any plan to regain control of the Corona epidemic in Lebanon. “

He added: “First, it is necessary to accelerate the payment of hospital fees, especially those resulting from the care of patients with corona. Given the current economic situation, private hospitals need liquidity to continue, not to mention increasing their capacity. Our hospital did not receive any of the crown dues for 2020..

Second, you cannot provide medical care without medical supplies. However, suppliers and distributors continue to complain of delays in processing their payments and are streamlining the delivery of urgently needed items. It is important to find a solution to this problem quickly.

Third, and most important, are healthcare workers. Whether due to increased labor pressures, declining purchasing power of their wages, illness, especially with the crown, or financial incentives to work abroad, workers are exhausted. They need support or they will collapse. “

He concluded: “The resilience of our healthcare system will be severely tested in the coming weeks. We need to address current problems if we are to weather the storm. Things could have been different, but there is no benefit, no time to cry. for the spilled milk. The answer is necessary. ” Urgent act “.
