Time bombs inside houses before the Big Bang | Phalanges


A medical source revealed to the Today news agency that some patients prefer to die at home to escape high hospital bills.

Antoine the boy wrote in Akhbar Al-Youm:

There is no doubt that the second major closure that Lebanon is currently experiencing, due to the “Covid-19” virus outbreak, is radically different from the first one we experienced between March and May 2020, on several levels.

The first closure was due to the absence of the outbreak of the epidemic, and to limit it, which has become impossible today with epidemic “time” bombs in most Lebanese homes. This makes the situation more like someone who lit the fuse of a bomb and closed the door on it and the people present in the same place with it, waiting for the “big bang.”

Nothing confirms the good behavior inside the houses now, to be sure of the stage after the completion of the closure. In addition, nothing confirms that reopening the country after weeks will not leave us with numbers of infections that can exceed 7 or 8 thousand injured per day, which again raises the same questions about the viability of the closure, if it is not accompanied by a popular culture on how to deal with epidemics.

An increase in deaths

While we wait, we note the need to strive to empower the Lebanese medically and medicinally, at a general level that goes beyond “Covid-19” as well. We are in a country where obtaining medicines has become a “round trip” process, while patients with chronic diseases, and others suffering from health problems, also need medical care that cannot be underestimated. , and we will see a further increase in the number of deaths over the next few weeks if Not Available.

The number of people infected with “Covid-19” and of patients suffering from other problems exceeds the ability of medical and nursing staff to follow it generally, amid an urgent need for field hospitals, and possibly field pharmacies, which meet the needs of all, with aid money and donations from abroad.

Clean files

A medical source indicated that “two field hospitals were sent by Qatar with their equipment for some time. It is really surprising that they have not been put into service until now, either in the south or in the north.”

In an interview with the agency “Akhbar Al-Youm”, he noted “the constant willingness of the” World Health Organization “and” the World Bank “to extend their hand to the Lebanese health sector, with everything related to the treatment of “Covid-19” patients in particular, but the Lebanese state must continue to provide clear and transparent files on their needs and how to use them.

He added: “As for the Arab countries, they extend their humanitarian hand to Lebanon for free. An example of this is what happened after the Beirut port explosion, as they sent aid on their own. So, if the health situation worsens in Lebanon, we will inevitably find someone to help us. ” .

Faced with a question about the difficult conditions of patients who suffer from problems, outside of “Covid-19”, the source replied: “They are difficult conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to provide field hospitals specialized in treating people with HIV , in a way that takes the pressure off regular hospitals, and allows them to be left to those suffering from other illnesses. “

He added: “The problems have become many and great. For example, some patients prefer to die at home rather than go to the hospital, to escape the hospitalization bills that have become very high. This is the case of some who suffer a heart attack that makes them need “Rossor”, for example, or to widen an artery, or for anything else. This is a very difficult situation. “

He stressed that “deaths in homes will increase in the next stage. When the number of infections by the” Covid-19 “virus reaches about 8 thousand cases per day, we must realize from now that at least 300 of them will need a hospital daily, while not Sufficient beds for these numbers are within the foreseeable range, which means that the death toll in Lebanon tends to rise. “


The source stressed that “the medical sector is being depleted in many ways, due to the migration of doctors and nurses, the epidemic pressure of” Covid-19 “, and the economic pressure in the country.

He concluded: “Let us remember that we have become the poor countries of the third world. Consequently, we find that our current health conditions are not very different from those of African countries that suffer from difficult economic conditions at a moderate rate, approximately” .
