This is what the Minister of Health said about “the street escaping”


The Health Minister, Dr. Hamad Hassan, announced, in an interview with “Radio Lebanon” with his colleague Mona Baz, that “what has been achieved so far in the face of the Corona epidemic has produced reassuring field results,” noting “the need to adhere to the government plan in the next stage and exercise the utmost caution.”

Hassan emphasized that “what we are witnessing when escaping on the street represents a danger for the safe return to normal life in all its manifestations, while the fear of the second wave lies in the absence of symptoms among the wounded while in contact with other citizens. “

He emphasized that he did not request any increase in the budget of the health sector, expressed his intention to “reduce the hospital bill and this medicine without prejudice to the health of the citizen”, and asked the heads of the boards of directors of the private and government hospitals that “return accounts in audit accounts before going to the Ministry of Health to pay them.”

In the camps, Hassan praised the “serious commitment of displaced Syrian and Palestinian refugees to preventive measures”, emphasizing “transparency in receiving gifts and assistance from international institutions away from waste.”

In response to a question about the mechanism to respond to crises, Hassan announced that “the epidemic experience demonstrated our need to plan and manage resources, in light of the lack of commitment by the Central Health Council for more than twenty years “and warned of” inclusion in some decisions, such as suspending employment in public administrations that would deprive the health sector is a component of its strength. “

The Minister of Health concluded by emphasizing: “The commitment to the procedures and the transition to the next stage is made on the basis of a weekly evaluation that determines the way to lift the mobilization.”
