This is what the Minister of Health revealed about the crown and the closure.


Health Minister Hamad Hassan asked: “Is the general mobilization by the Lebanese community residing before expatriates request a compromise respected?” Noting that “the movement is normal and so far there are 8 cases that will be announced tomorrow, “indicating that at the end of last week, Lebanon was recording what between zero and 3 cases, while 11 cases were recorded today: 4 names of the military and 7 names of the civilians involved.

Hassan stated that “he presented to the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities Mohamed Fahmy the idea of, according to Prime Minister Hassan Diab, the idea of ​​closing the country 48 hours to carry out a field survey in the areas where the cases were registered”, He noted that “it depends on the government, but this measure has to be necessary because today’s health and social security is more important than any other consideration.”

In response to a question, the Minister of Public Health revealed that he would work to include the milk of children from one year of age up to 3 years of age in the list issued by the ministry, saying: “Extortion is enough for citizens.”

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