This is what scientists fear about the mutated Crown … it is more widespread and the focus is on the young


A recent British study revealed that the Corona mutation is actually more contagious than previous mutations, as scientists feared, according to a report published by the British newspaper “Daily Mail”.

The study carried out by researchers from “Imperial College London” and reported by the British newspaper “Daily Mail”, confirmed that the new mutant that was discovered in Britain recently is more transmissible by approximately 50%.

The recent study was based on test samples taken from 86,000 Britons. With the average daily injuries exceeding 186,000 cases in the United States, the transmission rate, if increased by 48%, would cause each person to infect 1.85 other people, which could lead to new daily infections exceeding the 275,000 cases, while the current transmission rate is approximately 1.15.

The scientists tracked the genome sequences of 1904 people infected with the mutated virus and compared the speed of its spread with other samples taken from at least 48,000 people in Britain.

The transmission rates associated with the new boom will be a disaster for the health sector in some countries, as it will deplete facilities and deplete all capacity.

According to the newspaper report, it is clear that the new mutation in the virus accelerated the spread among people in their twenties.

And scientists in Britain reported that the new mutation in the virus does not make people sicker or more likely to die. There is also no indication that people who contracted Corona months ago are more likely to be re-infected if exposed to the variant, according to Britain’s Public Health Agency.

The new strain caused around 75% of the British population to be quarantined, starting last Thursday, after the British government expanded the range of areas subject to stricter measures, which were imposed to contain an increase in the number of people infected with Covid-19 caused by the mutated strain of the virus. The new strain also appeared in several European and Arab countries and also in America.

The experts confirmed that the new strain of the virus will not affect the effectiveness of the anti-Corona vaccines that have been put on the market.
