This is what Hezbollah provided to the “Free Patriot” and Bassil …


The head of the Media and Communications Committee, Deputy Hussein Hajj Hassan, affirmed that the “Loyalty to the Resistance” bloc supports the rationalization of support, not its lifting, because the option to withdraw support is a tragedy for the Lebanese people, especially for the poor and low-income classes.

Hajj Hassan said in an interview on OTV, that “the support is that the state and merchants buy goods from abroad in US dollars, and the state sells these goods on the basis of another price, and this means that the state pays in dollars to support assets, contributing to the shortage of existing funds. ” At the Central Bank, and here is the basis of the dilemma that we are suffering, “he pointed out that” there are mistakes that have been made during the last thirty years, “and emphasized that” someone must be held accountable for the mistakes of the past, not just the Governor of the Bank of Lebanon, Riad Salameh, but a large number “. From the political class.”

And he considered that “it is the duty of the head of the interim government, Hassan Diab and the ministers, to do business until the next government is formed, and unfortunately, Lebanon needs all the help of all because the economic situation is very difficult”, highlighting ” the need to complete the financial criminal audit file for its role in uncovering many things, including the financial collapse and financial gap, in recent years. “

He stressed that the “Good Loan Corporation”, “a state authorized institution, is the only banking institution that has dealt with credibility and honor with the Lebanese people and has kept people’s deposits in dollars to the in light of the current political crisis. “

On what Hezbollah presented to the Free Patriotic Movement and deputy Gebran Bassil, Hajj Hassan said: “The love of His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and the leadership of the party for Bassil expresses great gratitude”, noting that “The President of the Republic , General Michel Aoun, will complete his mandate to the end. “
