This is one of the doors to resolve the crises in Lebanon …


A member of the “Development and Liberation” bloc, deputy Ali Khreis, considered that “Lebanon is in the midst of the crisis and in the abyss in the presence of a series of political forces all points of contention at the political work table in Lebanon, which prevents any progress at the level of government formation or with respect to the other files on the table. ” .

In a statement today, Thursday, he said: “The difference of opinion is based mainly on sectarian and selfish interests that are controlled by selfishness without looking at the state of affairs in the homeland and the crises that accompany it since the economic crises, of health and safety “.

He pointed out the importance of “all those who fight to save this country, always threatened by the usurping Zionist entity, which continues to attack and threaten and try to impose conditions on the maritime demarcation process during the negotiations taking place in Naqoura.”

Khreis said: “Without a doubt, the weak Lebanon is a weak and paralyzed body in the face of the usurping entity, and Lebanon’s delay in solving the controversial files and taking steps towards the formation of the government weakened it more than we imagine in the face of to what is happening in the region, especially since the peace accords between Israel and various Arab countries have increased the siege of Lebanese communities in those countries.

They fear “the chaos caused by economic difficulties and scenes of corruption in many aspects of the interests of the people.”

He pointed out “the importance of proposing an electoral law based on Lebanon, a unique electoral district, because this law is one of the entry doors at the beginning of the resolution of the crises in which the country is stumbling, because political life slows down sectarian and sectarian quotas “.
