This is how we protect ourselves from online spying


This is how we protect ourselves from online spying

The Internet has become an essential work and communication medium for many in today’s world, but the improper use of this technology can sometimes expose the user to spy on their data or private information.

On this topic, Alexey Malnev, technical expert and head of the Jet CSIRT Center for Information Security Monitoring, said: “Facing threats to individuals or organizations is not usually an easy task. The scheme is more complex, whether it is based in technical means, social engineering methods, or both The recognition period is long In modern threats, information gathering operations take long periods.

He added: “At present, information about a person or organization may be required for various purposes, and among the most prominent parties that may be interested in these issues are those associated with advertising and marketing, as it forms a basis of personal data and even your contacts and interests. It may be information or Data that is important not only for the parties associated with the advertisement, but for those seeking fraud, extortion or cyberattacks, but we must try as much as possible to publish the minimum amount of data that relates to us through Internet.
The expert pointed out that users of social networks should create a kind of balance during the use of the Internet, and not try to spread all their personal data or what is related to them through these networks, and strive not to allow the networks access their networks. photo and video files found on computers or devices.

“Deleting personal data from social networks, messaging applications or electronic accounts does not necessarily mean that this data has disappeared, as it may have been stored in the analytical databases of the authorities or of certain parties,” Malnev explained.
