Third wave of Coronavirus paralyzes Iran … a strict and spiritual shutdown that demands commitment International news


Today, as Iran began to implement a strict two-week lockdown plan across the country, amid a surge in death and infection rates from “Corona,” Iranian President Hassan Rouhani called on citizens to adhere to health guidelines to reduce pressure on medical personnel and the economic sector..

Rouhani, during a meeting of the National Committee to Combat the Pandemic, said that the entire country lives in the third wave of the epidemic, highlighting that the government is working to control the virus outbreak, indicating that the contagion figures will increase in the next days, with the start of rapid controls from Saturday, which will increase. The number of analyzes in the country reaches 100,000 per day.

The Iranian president noted that if the plan does not achieve its goals of slowing the spread of the epidemic, it can be extended, stating that if everyone sticks to the plan, it can be shortened up to ten days..

Rouhani’s remarks come amid media reports that citizens are not complying with the plan and doing their job as before, as Iranian news agencies reported overcrowding of citizens on public transport that They were heading to their workplaces in the capital, Tehran..

In addition, Rouhani announced that thirty million citizens will receive a monthly aid in the amount of one million Iranian rials ($ 4) over a period of four months, while another ten million will receive a loan of ten million riyals ($ 40) in help to stop their businesses due to the closing plan..

At a time when the Iranian President’s aide for economic affairs, Muhammad Nahaundian, announced during a press conference that business owners will have the opportunity until next February to pay their taxes..

Source: Russia Today + Major General
